Diversity Strategic Plan

Office of Institutional Equity & Diversity

1500 N. Warner St. #1019
Tacoma, WA 98416-1019
Howarth Hall, Room 217


A strategic plan delineates the path to a community in which everyone experiences a strong sense of belonging and professional and personal growth. Implementing a strategic diversity, equity, and inclusion plan invites the university community to engage fully and meaningfully in the preparation of the students so they can “meet the highest test of democratic citizenship.”

In 2005, the university appointed a Diversity Planning Task Force to develop a specific diversity strategic plan. This plan began its implementation in 2006. In 2016, the university implemented a new plan, Threshold 2022: Cultivating a Culture of Inclusive Excellence (Threshold 2022), which has served as the blueprint for the institutional diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives until now.

This revised strategic plan, authored by members of the Diversity Advisory Council (DAC), led by the Vice President for Institutional Equity & Diversity, reimagines how we prioritize and implement our institutional goals of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB).

The Belonging: Choosing Equity and Engaging Inclusive Excellence plan asks us to reimagine and realign the sites of DEIB work on campus to create synergy, transparency, communication, and accountability. The plan leads us to reconsider how we might strengthen and support existing DEIB infrastructure, so that matters of equity are deliberately considered and integrated across various kinds of university work including teaching, advising, hiring, managing, and learning.

The plan also provides a clear blueprint outlining not only goals, objectives, and strategies, but includes key performance indicators that can help us assess our progress as well as a list of resources and timeline needed to accomplish the goals and objectives. The plan clearly illustrates that the work described here is the responsibility of all divisions, units, and departments, and it requires the commitment and diligent work of stakeholders across the university to advance these goals.


Coming Fall 2024, we will be adding committee and key performance indicator information for each goal.

Goal one

This ambitious goal involves examining student life, recruitment and retention; faculty and staff hiring and retention; and curriculum. The goal requires strengthening and tapping into existing expertise which requires collective creative thinking, intentional and well-designed collaboration, and integration of processes and practices.

Goal two

This goal asks that we revisit and renew our relationships as an institutional citizen in Tacoma and Pierce County. It asks that we create intentional opportunities to be in relationship with community partners in ways that are reciprocal, mutually beneficial, and which acknowledges past harm and duties to repair.

Goal three

This goal leads us to engage with alums from minoritized populations in purposeful and meaningful ways by connecting them with current life on campus and utilizing their experience to enrich the life of minoritized students on campus.

Goal four

This goal imagines how our work around equity can be more transparent and how we hold ourselves accountable to achieve the goals and objectives of this plan. It asks that we create better communication of our progress, and consider processes for reviewing and revising what has been done.

Goal one



1.1 Create synergy among Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) efforts across campus.

STRATEGIES 1.1a Complete a map of current DEIB programs and initiatives.
STRATEGIES 1.1.b Redefine the charges of the Diversity Advisory Council (DAC) to include advising and supporting the Office of Institutional Equity & Diversity on the implementation of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging strategic plan.
STRATEGIES 1.1.c Review existing policies to determine what changes may need to be made to promote the success of minoritized students, faculty and staff. A DAC subcommittee will consult with appropriate policy owners.


1.2 Strengthen DEIB efforts of offices and centers that provide wellness, intercultural security, and academic support.

STRATEGIES 1.2.a Provide a framework and set of guidelines for these different units to develop their DEIB action plans and associated strategies.
STRATEGIES 1.2.b Identify and secure resources needed for these offices and centers to execute their approved strategies.


1.3 Increase graduation, retention and enrollment rates of FTIC and minoritized students in undergraduate and graduate programs. This objective will be implemented in alignment with and support of the university’s Student Success Plan.

STRATEGIES 1.3.a Strengthen operational resources and programmatic support for Tacoma Public Schools students and students in the Access and Posse programs, and strengthen the leadership development and support of student affinity groups.
STRATEGIES 1.3.b Develop a structure for graduate students to engage regularly with the divisions of Institutional Equity and Diversity and Student Affairs in order to provide graduate students with an excellent inclusive environment.
STRATEGIES 1.3.c Strengthen the collaboration of the divisions of Institutional Equity and Diversity, Student Affairs, Enrollment, and Academic Affairs to provide more integrated support services for students as described in the university’s Student Success Plan.
STRATEGIES 1.3.d Pursue additional financial aid sources and partnerships with organizations that support recruiting and enrollment from First Generation in College, low Socioeconomic Status (SES), and/or minoritized groups (e.g. College Horizons, Questbridge, College Success Foundation).
STRATEGIES 1.3.e Support the continuous development of mentoring and culturally responsive teaching skills for all faculty.
STRATEGIES 1.3.f Strengthen the current plan to recruit a diverse pool of applicants for graduate programs.
STRATEGIES 1.3.g Strengthen the leadership development and support of student affinity groups.


1.4 Strengthen the hiring process and implement best practices to promote retention of faculty and staff from minoritized communities.

STRATEGIES 1.4.a Develop an Equity Advocate program for search committees.
STRATEGIES 1.4.b Strengthen implicit bias training for search committees.
STRATEGIES 1.4.c Develop and implement best practices to evolve our faculty and staff search protocols and training programs to promote equitable faculty and staff searches.
STRATEGIES 1.4.d Develop professional development opportunities for staff that build capacity for professional mobility.


1.5 Continue to develop Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion skills and knowledge of students, faculty, and staff

STRATEGIES 1.5.a Implement annual programmatic professional development opportunities focused on the development of intercultural intelligence, cultural humility, inclusive communication, and culturally responsive pedagogy.
STRATEGIES 1.5.b Strengthen collaborations between Institutional Equity & Diversity, Human Resources, Faculty Development Center, and Race & Pedagogy Institute to implement equity, Inclusion, belonging, and antiracism training for faculty and staff.
STRATEGIES 1.5.c Recommend and incentivize the participation of faculty and staff in the DEIB training modules available currently in the university training platform.
STRATEGIES 1.5.d Develop and offer Intergroup Dialogue training programs for students and staff to develop skills to engage across differences in effective ways.


1.6 Strengthen curricular decolonization to create a more inclusive curriculum and decenter Western perspectives.

STRATEGIES 1.6.a Implement curricular decolonization efforts across academic departments.
STRATEGIES 1.6.b Offer curricular decolonization training that includes representatives from all departments and establish clear measurable plans for engaging faculty.


Goal two



2.1 Create reciprocal, mutually beneficial opportunities for campus community members to build relationships with diverse communities.

STRATEGIES 2.1.a Develop civic engagement, partnerships, and scholarship opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to learn, volunteer, and/or work in diverse local settings to enhance their knowledge of the area’s cultural groups and increase positive and effective interactions.
STRATEGIES 2.1.b Increase university interactions and partnerships with minority organizations and minority-owned businesses in the Tacoma and Pierce County area to support such organizations and businesses and provide experiential learning opportunities for our students.
STRATEGIES 2.1.c Create a plan to increase communication and invitation to South Sound communities to attend and participate in on-campus programs and events via general outreach, as well as direct invitation and collaboration.
STRATEGIES 2.1.d Track and report on communication and invitation to and attendance and participation with South Sound communities at on-campus programs and events.
STRATEGIES 2.1.e Develop resources to improve communication, relationships, and hospitality for families of Puget Sound students who are graduates of TPS, or minoritized communities.


2.2 Implement the Legacies Project.

STRATEGIES 2.2.a Develop Theme Year(s) initiative focused on understanding our history and legacy as an institution to provide intellectual and cultural immersion in a particular topic across the university for one or two years (e.g., environmental justice, Indigenous rights, educational access).
STRATEGIES 2.2.b Offer encouragement and resources for students, faculty and staff to integrate lectures, museum exhibits, music or theater performances, film and reading series, campus discussions, and more into courses and student programming.
STRATEGIES 2.2.c Develop Legacies innovation grants and fellowships available to faculty, staff, and students to advance a special project contributing to the understanding of the Legacies’ Theme Year.
STRATEGIES 2.2.d Create permanent and rotating exhibits of Legacies projects to enrich the educational experience of the students and other members of the community.
STRATEGIES 2.2.e Develop opportunities for the university to build partnerships that seek to repair relationships where harm has been done and support and strengthen current relationships that honor healing and repair.


Goal three



3.1 Increase opportunities for First Generation in college alumni and those from minoritized populations to engage with the institution and in particular with current students who are the first in their families to attend college or who are members of minoritized groups.

STRATEGIES 3.1.a Prioritize the hiring of minoritized alumni-owned vendors for events, where possible.
STRATEGIES 3.1.b Organize alumni-student mixers and fireside chats focused on minoritized groups.
STRATEGIES 3.1.c Recruit alumni from a variety of backgrounds to serve as mentors on the Logger Link mentoring platform.
STRATEGIES 3.1.d Create and facilitate spaces on Logger Link for students and alumni to connect around identities or professional goals.
STRATEGIES 3.1.e Review current recognized student clubs and organizations and identify alumni who were involved with those clubs and organizations as students and find ways to connect them. Ask student clubs and organizations to hold at least one event that connects with past alumni members.

3.2 Increase diversity of Alumni Council membership.
STRATEGIES 3.2.a Foster DEIB practices across all levels of alumni volunteer leadership. Identify members of affinity alumni groups who can serve on the Alumni Council and encourage them to do so.


3.3 Validate, reconcile with, and learn from the experiences of alumni from minoritized populations to improve the experience for current students.

STRATEGIES 3.3.a Conduct alumni attitudes survey(s) or hold focus groups to identify long- standing concerns that might impact the campus climate for current students.
STRATEGIES 3.3.b Develop content that highlights campus and alumni stories around issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.


Goal four



4.1 Develop and maintain a DEIB Strategic Plan dashboard.

STRATEGIES 4.1.a Partner with Technology Services and Marketing & Communications to develop a dashboard that can track our progress toward the goals.
STRATEGIES 4.1.b Update the dashboard quarterly.


4.2 Communicate DEIB initiatives and progress regularly with internal audiences, and increase the visibility of DEIB work being done on campus.

STRATEGIES 4.2.a Make efforts to decolonize the curriculum visible to the campus community through a variety of media.
STRATEGIES 4.2.b Establish consistent and predictable communication and responses with the campus community around DEIB issues and incidents on campus.
STRATEGIES 4.2.c Increase visibility of DEIB strategic plan accomplishments & accountability through the sharing of this information in a variety of ways.
STRATEGIES 4.2.d Create opportunities for members of the community to provide feedback regarding the progress of the plan’s implementation, including a website link for written communications and open office hours with the VP for Institutional Equity & Diversity twice per semester.

4.3 Review and revise DEIB efforts on an ongoing basis.
STRATEGIES 4.3.a Use updates from the dashboard to revise the objectives and strategies/ actions as needed.


4.4 Share individual progress towards DEIB goals.

STRATEGIES 4.4.a Develop a system to periodically share actions taken toward specific goals.
STRATEGIES 4.4.b Identify accountability leaders across different divisions and offices who are assigned to report to the VP for Institutional Equity and Diversity progress toward DEIB goals.



Download the full 2024-28 strategic plan  (PDF)