The Center for Writing & Learning (CWL)—formerly known as The Center for Writing, Learning, and Teaching (CWLT)—houses the writing and speaking center and peer subject tutoring. Additionally, we offer faculty development support through faculty pedagogy workshops and individual consultations. We also offer fun academic events, including the Writing Marathon for final papers, the Long Night Against Procrastination, and other events that our students initiate. The CWL is staffed by about 35 peer tutors, 2 faculty members, the faculty director, and the assistant director.

The writing center at the University of Puget Sound offers undergraduate peer tutoring in writing across the curriculum, as well as assistance to students writing applications for post-graduate fellowships and scholarships such as Fulbrights. We have a program called the Writing Liaison program, which pairs peer writing tutors with writing classes at the university; faculty teaching those classes meet with the writing liaison and discuss assignments, the liaison leads presentations and writing workshops in the class, and students in the class often choose to work specially with the liaison when they come to the writing center.
Students from our center regularly present at the National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing and the European Writing Centers Association conference. Puget Sound hosted the National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing in 2016.
Our writing center was founded in 1984, making it one of the oldest writing centers in the world. Our center was featured in the landmark 1993 Writing Centers in Context, and directors and tutors from our center have been active for many years in national and international writing and learning center professional organizations. We were the first university in the United States to participate in the international Long Night Against Procrastination, an event we have held every year since 2012.
You can take a virtual tour of the CWL!