The songs are mp3 format, but they seem to work best on IE and Windows Media Player. Or download them to your favorite player.
- Western Tanager, WA: King Co., Vashon Island, low in alder and plum trees, flying about, 17 June 2006 (take 1)
- Western Tanager, low in alder and plum trees, flying about, 17 June 2006 (take 2)
- Common Yellowthroat, WA: King Co., Vashon Island, Meadow Lake, 26 May 2006 (take 1)
- Common Yellowthroat, WA: King Co., Vashon Island, Meadow Lake, 26 May 2006 (take 2)
- Swainson’s Thrush, whit call & chatter, WA: King Co., Vashon Island, Meadow Lake, 26 May 2006
- Black-headed Grosbeak, WA: King Co., Vashon Island, 30 May 2006
- American Robin and Black-headed Grosbeak, WA: King Co., Vashon Island, 26 May 2006
- Lazuli Bunting, WA: Pierce Co., Marion Grange (at Lower White River BioBlitz), 2 June 2006. The last note of the songs echo off the wall of the grange hall.
- Wilson’s Warbler, WA: King Co., Vashon Island, Fisher (Frenchman’s) pond, 26 May 2006 (take 1)
- Wilson’s Warbler, WA: King Co., Vashon Island, Fisher (Frenchman’s) pond, 26 May 2006 (take 2)
- Gambel’s White-crowned Sparrow, WA: King Co., Vashon Island, May 1994, Puget Sound White-crowns can be heard in the background.
- Fox Sparrow, WA: King Co., Vashon Island, May 1994
- Spotted Towhee, WA: King Co., Vashon Island, Feb 2015, Teeeeaaaa call or song (iPhone voice memo example)
- Dark-eyed Junco, WA:King Co., Vashon Island, March 2015, song (iPhone voice memo example)
- Bewick’s Wren 1, 20 Mar 2015, Tacoma