At Puget Sound, we’re here to help prospective students plan and prepare for the cost of attending college.

By providing a detailed Cost of Attendance along with a financial aid offer describing available financial aid resources, applicants and their families will have a clear estimation of their financial obligations before arriving on campus. More than 90% of students receive some financial aid to help make a Puget Sound education accessible.

Undergraduate Cost of Attendance

Cost of Attendance (COA) is the total estimated costs, or expenses, for an academic year. These costs include tuition and fees, housing and food, books and supplies, transportation, personal expenses and loan fees if applicable. The COA is used as part of the calculation to determine a student’s eligibility for need based financial aid. Not all of the COA elements are billed to students directly by Puget Sound. Some of these costs are paid by students out of pocket. Puget Sound bills for tuition and fees, and housing and dining if the student is living on campus or chooses to buy a meal plan voluntarily when living off campus. Puget Sound does not bill for books, supplies, transportation or personal expenses, but students can expect to need to cover these costs while they are in school.


  Fall 2025 Semester Spring 2026 Semester Annual Costs
Tuition (Full-Time Enrollment) $32,635 $32,635 $65,270
Comprehensive Student Fee $308 $308 $616
Housing on Campus $4,763 $4,763 $9,526
Food on Campus $3,895 $3,895 $7,790
Books & Supplies $500 $500 $1,000
Transportation $710 $710 $1,420
Personal / Miscellaneous $1,062 $1,062 $2,124
Total $43,873 $43,873 $87,746


  Fall 2025 Semester Spring 2026 Semester Annual Costs
Tuition (Full-Time Enrollment) $32,635 $32,635 $65,270
Comprehensive Student Fee $308 $308 $616
Housing on Campus $4,330 $4,330 $8,660
Food on Campus $3,895 $3,895 $7,790
Total $41,168 $41,168 $82,336


**Scroll down to see additional charges that may be billed depending on enrollment, housing, and meal plan selection.

What is Cost of Attendance

Cost of Attendance (COA) is the total estimated costs, or expenses, for an academic year. These costs include tuition and fees, housing and food, books and supplies, transportation, personal expenses, and loan fees if applicable. The COA is used as part of the calculation to determine a student’s eligibility for need-based financial aid. Not all of the COA elements are billed to students directly by Puget Sound—some costs are paid by students out of pocket. Puget Sound bills for tuition and fees as well as housing and dining if the student is living on campus or chooses to buy a meal plan voluntarily when living off campus. Puget Sound does not bill for books, supplies, transportation, or personal expenses, but students can expect to cover these costs while they are in school.

Financial Aid

Financial aid is available to assist students and their families with the cost of attending Puget Sound—and more than 90% of our students receive some form of aid. Financial aid can include scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study employment.

Explore Financial Aid Options

Additional Costs & Fees

In addition to tuition and university fees, there may be fees associated with certain academic courses and activities. If you are a part-time student, plan to live in a premium residence hall, or want to adjust your meal plan to fit your routine, your cost of attendance may change.

Part-time students enrolling for fewer than 3 units are charged $8,245 per unit. The Comprehensive Student Fee for part-time enrolled students is $142 a semester. Some courses may charge additional fees.

The normal undergraduate course-load is 3.00 to 4.75 units per semester. A student can register for up to 4.75 units without incurring an overload charge. Course enrollment above 4.75 units will be charged at the per unit rate of $8,245. Some courses may charge additional fees.

Some activities and courses include additional fees to cover the cost of supplies, transportation, or certifications. The following course and activity fees are nonrefundable after the last day to drop without record.

Backpacking $125
Bowling $100
First Aid/CPR $32
Horseback Riding (Beginning/Intermediate) $600
Lifeguard Training $91
Martial Arts $50
Rock Climbing $95
Sailing $275
Scuba Diving $82

Premium rooms, like singles, university houses, and rooms in Trimble Hall and Thomas Hall are charged $5,195 per semester. Standard housing is $4,330 per semester.

Depending on your routine and nutrition needs, the university offers several meal plan options. You can review all meal plans here.

Off-Campus Meal Plan $1,540
Meal Plan A $3,510
Meal Plan B $3,735
Meal Plan C (Standard)* $3,895
Meal Plan D $4,115
Meal Plan E $4,270

*Meal Plan C is included in the per semester room and board charge. It is the default meal plan billed each semester. Students are able to switch to another plan via once billing has posted each semester through MyPugetSound.

The Comprehensive Student Fee supports university student services, with a portion used by the Associated Students of the University of Puget Sound (ASUPS) to fund student organizations, clubs, special interest groups, and activities. This fee is paid by all enrolled students each fall and spring semester and is reduced for part-time students.

Full Time Student Fee $616 per year
Part Time Student Fee $284 per year

Full-time students, alumni, and members of the University of Puget Sound Women’s League may audit without charge one class per term, with a maximum of two classes an academic year. Other students will be charged one-half the per unit rate. All auditors will be charged any applicable class instruction fees. Reduced tuition rates are not available to students who change a graded class to an audit class.

The Applied Music fee is $250 per quarter unit, not to exceed $500 for lessons taken for the same instrument. This fee is nonrefundable after the beginning of the term. These classes count as academic units, not activity units, toward graduation requirements.

Application for Admission - undergraduate students $60
Application for Admission - School of Education students $60
OT/PT Supplementary Application Feea $50
Application for Degree Candidacy $25
Late Confirmation Fee (payment confirming registration each semester) $200
Monthly Late Fee $25
Payment Plan Participation Fee (per semester) $80
Returned Check Fee*  $25
Advance Tuition Payment - entering first-year, transfer, and graduate students (OT/DrOT/School of Education) $500
DPT Advance Tuition Payment $1,000

*Two returned checks will cause check-writing privileges to be permanently revoked. This fee is added for any payment that is not processed as Puget Sound is charged the return fee and this fee is passed on to the student account. This fee cannot be reversed off the account since this is a fee passed on to the university.

Health Insurance for Students

It is important that students carry health insurance coverage. Many students have, or can obtain, health coverage through a parent’s or guardian’s policy. All students should:

  • Remain or enroll under a parent/guardian policy (where feasible) or;
  • Use an employer’s policy (where feasible), or;
  • Purchase an individual health insurance policy

There are many individual health insurance policy options. Puget Sound cannot recommend any particular individual policy for all students. Students should select a policy that best meets their individual needs, preferences, and budget. Be sure to research options that offer coverage in your home state and in Washington.

Students and/or parents also can access multiple individual policy options through or Finding insurance can be a lengthy process. If you need to purchase individual health coverage, we encourage you start researching options immediately to ensure that coverage is in place before starting college.

Take the Next Step
Ready to be a Logger? Start your Puget Sound journey through the Common Application today!