When hosting an Asian Studies event, please complete the form below. Please complete this form at least three weeks before the event date to allow for enough time to advertise the event and book rooms and catering, if required. Please contact Asian Studies Administrative Assistant, at 253.879.2995 or asianstudies@pugetsound.edu if you have any questions.


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This will be used for the events calendar, so please provide 3-4 sentences describing the event
Is the event open to the public?
Please put a preferred location as well as a backup in case your first choice is already booked
Are you bringing a visitor to the event?
E.g., lecturer or performer
Is your visitor a citizen of the United States?
Will your visitor be receiving an honorarium from Asian Studies?
Check all lodging or travel assistance required:
Visitor address
Required if a visitor is receiving an honorarium or assistance with lodging or travel
Will there be a poster for this event?
Would you like this event advertised?
Please check all the ways you would like your event advertised