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3209 N. 15th

1500 N. Warner St. CMB 1003
Tacoma, WA 98416-1003


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The fraternities at the University of Puget Sound are a very active part of the community, engaging in a number of services including volunteering at the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk, local community clean ups, as well as blood drives. The primary purpose of fraternities is to foster community and brotherhood between its members as well as values specific to each fraternity

Many successful individuals are members of Greek organizations, such as Brad Pitt, David Letterman, John Wayne, Neil Armstrong, Roger Ebert, Burt Reynolds, Frank Lloyd Wright, Harrison Ford, Bob Barker, Charles Schwab, Bruce Nordstrom, and William Bowerman. Do any of these names sound familiar?

Critics of fraternities often cite such cases of pledge hazing, alcohol abuse, and distraction from school work as being negative attributes to be associated with fraternities. At Puget Sound however, the fraternity average GPA is higher than the campus wide male average GPA, and there is a very strict no hazing policy set forth by the university, as well as the fraternity’s international organizations which are enforced heavily.

At Puget Sound, the members of fraternities, as well as the Interfraternity Council strive to nurture the positive aspects of having fraternities on campus, and sincerely invite you to join us!

Puget Sound Fraternities

Phi Delta Theta

Phi Delta Theta - University of Puget Sound
1500 N. Warner St. CMB 1050, Tacoma, WA 98416-4907
Chapter President - Mason Speciale (
Also Known As - “Phi Delt”
Chapter - Washington Delta
National Founding - 1848, Oxford, Ohio
Local Founding - 1952
Phi Delta Theta website

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Sigma Alpha Epsilon - University of Puget Sound
1500 N. Warner St. CMB 3194, Tacoma, WA 98416
Chapter President - Cooper Clarke (
Also Known As - “SAE”
Chapter - Washington Gamma
National Founding - 1856, Tuscaloosa, AL
Local Founding - 1951, re-founded - 2011
Sigma Alpha Epsilon website

Sigma Chi

Sigma Chi - University of Puget Sound
1500 N. Warner St. CMB 1139, Tacoma, WA 98416
Chapter President - Charlie Dolin (
Also Known As - “Sig”
Chapter - Delta Phi
National Founding - 1855, Oxford, Ohio
Local Founding - 1950
Sigma Chi website