This course introduces students to the most important theories that guide the field of international business strategy, and to key concepts and models related to the formulation and implementation of global strategy. The course provides students with analytical and planning tools for adapting a company's business model to global markets, specifically assessing opportunities and risks in the global environment, identifying current and potential positioning spaces within a competitive environment, and developing strategies that suit different organizational, sectorial, and geographical contexts. The course also explores the interplay between organizational stakeholders, including trade-offs between financial and market goals and the ethical and social values of organizations (i.e., balancing economic and non-economic objectives). Finally, global strategic management requires moving beyond analysis into the realm of strategic action. The course addresses the various combinations of systems (e.g., information, control, reward), organization structures, and people necessary to execute a strategy that is internally cohesive.

Social Scientific and Historical Perspectives
BUS 305, 310, and junior standing or permission of instructor. All prerequisite courses must be C- or higher.
Course UID
Course Subject
Catalog Number
Long title
International Business Theory and Strategy