Make a difference in the world and the lives of others.

We encourage students to expand their worldviews, engage in civil discourse, reflect on their experiences, and create a better world. It’s no surprise to find, then, that so many alumni don’t just take the road less traveled—they forge an entirely new path.

Puget Sound graduates are consistently among the leading recipients of Watson and Fulbright scholarships, national fellowships, and Peace Corps assignments, as well as successful entrepreneurs, inventors, investors, artists, scientists, and civic leaders. Our alumni work in communities around the world and are eager to connect you to internships, postgraduate opportunities, and more.

  • 86%

    of the Class of 2024 is employed, continuing their education, or engaged in public service
  • 1 of 44

    colleges that change lives
  • 80%

    medical school acceptance rate (4-year average for HPA applicants)
  • #7

    nationally in alumni who serve as Peace Corps volunteers
  • 100%

    2022 acceptance rate for HPA applicants to dental, nursing, reproductive medicine & OT/PT programs
  • 90%

    alumni highly satisfied with their education
Trail in Tacoma