This course explores the aesthetics and politics of the novel form. The course may focus on a particular national iteration or cultural tradition of the novel (e.g., British, American, Postcolonial), a specific formal approach or subgenre (detective fiction), or a historical or thematic subset of the genre (the rise of the novel, the sentimental novel, the roman à clef). In addition, the course may emphasize the theoretical underpinnings of the genre as a specific category of historical production, engaging theories of the novel and issues raised by the novel's formal and historical particularity. Themes and texts vary by instructor. Recent topics include "Rise of the Novel in the U.S.," "Contemporary Speculative Fiction," and "Multiethnic Novels." Please consult the department website for information on current and upcoming offerings.

Students who have received credit for ENGL 431 with the topic "Rise of the Novel" may not receive credit for this course with the topic "Rise of the Novel in the U.S.".
Course UID
Course Subject
Catalog Number
Long title
Genre: Novel
Detective Fiction Fall 2013
Multiethnic US Fiction
Origins of American Novel Fall 2012
Rise of the Novel in the U.S. F14