This course will focus on designing programs intended to improve performance or quality of life with special populations. Students engage in a semester-long project designing a complete program for a specific client. The student may choose an elite athlete or disease model intended to improve performance or health. A background in nutrition, exercise physiology, biomechanics and neuroscience will help lay the foundation for a well rounded program intended to address all aspects of the individual. Diet, agility, balance, strength, aerobic, anaerobic training, as well as the combination of training effects will be explored. Contraindications to exercise will also be examined as they relate to health.

Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives
At least two of the following: EXSC 301, 328, 329, 336, or concurrent enrollment; junior or senior standing or permission of instructor.
Course UID
Course Subject
Catalog Number
Long title
Designing Interdisciplinary Exercise Prescriptions