This course centers on an intensive two-week sojourn in the Eternal City, Rome. Students use the urban topography, ancient ruins, modern reconstructions, and museums to immerse themselves in the lived experience of the city of Rome. Students learn architectural building techniques and systems of dating, problems in identifying surviving buildings, the iconography of Roman political sculpture, and issues of Roman copying and reuse of original Greek art. Students also engage with the incorporation of Roman monuments into subsequent architecture, including Mussolini's political (re)use of archaeology, as well as problems of conservation in the context of the modern city. Visits to the excavated cities of Pompeii and Ostia form part of the program and make visible the daily lives and activities of those individuals lost in the literary record, including women and slaves.

Experiential Learning
Permission of the instructor.
Course UID
Course Subject
Catalog Number
Long title
Rome Through The Ages: January in Rome