Mandatory Immunizations
All students MUST provide proof of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccination or laboratory proof of immunity through titers. We highly recommend a tetanus booster (Tdap or Td) if you haven’t had one within the past 10 years, and meningococcal vaccines (meningococcal ACWY and B), as well as an updated COVID-19 vaccine.
Students who cannot be vaccinated for MMR due to medical or religious reasons need to fill out an exemption form. This form is available on our website or by logging into the CHWS communication portal. Please note that if you are requesting a medical exemption, documentation from your primary healthcare provider is required.
Health Insurance
All students are required to be enrolled in a health insurance plan that offers coverage in Tacoma. Check with your insurer to be sure you’ll be covered. If you’re on a parent’s policy, we recommend you keep that coverage as long as it provides coverage in the state of Washington.
Note: CHWS does not bill insurance for medical visits, insurance is needed for off campus referrals and laboratory tests.
Safety Planning
If you have an existing medical condition which may require an emergency response you are encouraged to prepare a student safety plan in cooperation with your family and medical provider. This plan should outline any special medical response needs that you have. Once completed, please upload it into your CHWS portal. After your plan has been reviewed, the CHWS medical director may reach out to schedule a phone call to review campus emergency response protocols and ensure that other campus support services have been contacted.
Campus Health Benefits

CHWS offers primary medical care on campus. Our medical providers partner with patients to provide holistic preventative care, and treat acute and chronic conditions. In addition, we provide specialty services including ADHD medication management, gender affirming care, allergy shots, travel consult visits, psychiatric care, and nutrition consults. CHWS providers can also refer students off campus for specialty care as needed.

CHWS counseling services provide educational workshops, short-term individual therapy, group therapy, and on and off campus referrals. Our services focus on providing brief interventions to develop skills for navigating challenges that come with college life. CHWS offers same day and next day Recommendation and Referral appointments. An R&R is a screening appointment with a therapist to get a better understanding of your needs, and provide tailored and timely support. Based on the R&R appointment, you may be referred to on campus resources (such as a therapy group or short-term individual therapy), or to an off campus provider.

CHWS provides outreach and education workshops to the campus community to help campus members acquire new knowledge, skills, and behaviors to enhance their overall wellness and the wellness of the campus community. For more information about wellness workshops and events, please follow @chwspugetsound on Instagram.
Learn more about our providers, medical, and counseling services, and find information for incoming students on our Counseling, Health and Wellness Services website.

We are eager to welcome you to campus this fall! Counseling, Health and Wellness Services (CHWS, pronounced "chaws") is here to support your physical and mental health throughout your time on campus.

Our office is located on the second floor of the Wheelock Student Center and provides primary care and counseling services to students.
Campus Safety & Emergency Notifications
Security Services conducts regular patrols on campus and adjacent neighborhoods, plus 24/7 security escort services. We maintain a close relationship with the Tacoma Police Department, with direct radio access. Residence halls remain locked at all times.
Students, faculty, and staff receive emergency security alerts via personal cellphone, text message, and/or university email.
Sign up for emergency notification through your myPugetSound portal.
Accessibility & Accommodations
If you’re able to meet the academic and technical standards of Puget Sound with or without accommodations, but have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major activity, you can request accommodations.