Community Music

1500 N. Warner St. #1024
Tacoma, WA 98416-1024

Music 107


Welcome to the Community Music website. We are a year-round program providing non-credit musical instruction to people from throughout the Puget Sound region and beyond. We connect people with exceptional instructors to engage and nurture their musical talents and interests.

Musicians of all ages and experience levels participate in our music lessons and classes. Community Music offers opportunities for college students, young children, teens, and adults of all ages. You can start now or at any time! Motivation and interest are the only entrance requirements.

Join us for music lessons!

All community music courses are open to the public. No academic credit is offered for lessons and classes.


The Community Music Department in the School of Music nurtures musical talent in students of all ages and abilities. Fostering excellence and life-long learning, Community Music recognizes the creativity and musical potential in every individual and honors aspirations both grand and small. 

Community Music Students

Community Music currently serves over 500 students weekly through classes and lessons. Our student body is very diverse. Participation is open to all persons regardless of age, gender, race, religion, national and ethnic origin, sexual orientation or aptitude. Our youngest student is 4 months old and our oldest student is 92 years young. Our students also represent a broad geographic area. Some Community Music students are neighbors who can walk to campus; some are Puget Sound students who live on campus, while others commute distances that require two hours or more. Through our virtually taught programs, you can participate from anywhere.

Directions to campus

Music lessons with Puget Sound Faculty
Open to everyone!
Music classes, lessons and more!