Locations & Tours
On the left side of the desktop and tablet view, you will find a Locations tab displaying categories and locations available for viewing on the interactive map. (On phones and other small/mobile devices, you’ll find the Locations tab by touching the three horizontal lines indicating a menu in the upper left corner of the screen.)
To turn a category on or off in your interactive campus map view, simply click on the box next to it in the Locations list. To view subcategories, including accessibility information, and individual location pins within a category, click on the category name to expand the view. A checkmark in the box indicates that all the subcategories are turned on. A dash in the box indicates that at least one, but not all subcategories, are turned on. For instance the locations may be turned on, but not the accessibility subcategory for that section.
Each location/pin you visit will typically display a text description, as well as photos and, possibly, video files. You can enlarge the photos by clicking on the icon in the top left corner of the smaller image displayed in the location detail window. In each location detail window, you will also find buttons to get directions to this location or share this location via social media or other means.
Next to the Locations tab noted above you will see a Tours tab. If you want recommendations for self-guided tours of various campus sites, these tours will walk you through campus in a specified order.
Sharing Locations
Each location detail window has a Share button in the upper left corner that can be used to copy a URL that can be shared via text, email, or social media.
Each major category in the Locations list is set to automatically display associated accessibility information when turned on. The Accessibility category may also be used to toggle on/off all marked accessibility information on campus, including:
- Accessible parking
- Accessible entrances
- Accessible restrooms
- All-gender restrooms
- Elevators
Approved accessibility access differs from building to building and across campus based on a number of factors—including the age of the building and if, when, and how extensively it was remodeled—according to various legal codes. For more specific accessibility information regarding any of our facilities, please contact accessibility@pugetsound.edu.
Changing Your Map View
As with other mobile-friendly map applications, you can zoom the map view in and out using the + and - buttons in the upper right corner of the screen.
On desktop and tablet screens, you can also change the view from the map to the satellite view, if desired. And if you’ve zoomed too far out or moved too far afield and want to come back to Puget Sound’s campus map easily, simply click the house icon in the upper left corner of the map.
Generating a Printable Map (Desktop/Tablet Only)
Print a general, grey-scale illustration of campus, complete with building key, by clicking on the Printable Map link in the upper left corner of the interactive campus map screen.
Print a customized version of the interactive map by clicking on the Generate Print Map link in the upper right corner of the screen. Options include:
- changing from landscape to portrait orientation
- sorting selected sites alphabetically (default print order is north to south)
- selecting multiple categories to print locations from
- highlight a specified section of campus to print, using the red sizing controls shown on the print map screen
- opting for a PDF or graphic file for your printable map
- showing grid lines on the map (or not)
- generating the map in color or black and white
- entering a title to appear at the top of your printable map
- showing the streets around campus in the selected view (or not)
Generating a custom printable map will take approximately one minute.