This course introduces students to the components of exercise science research including data collection and analysis skills. Health-related physical fitness is evaluated by students conducting fitness tests on one another. Students apply statistical procedures to these datasets to explore and answer questions pertaining to physical fitness measurement and evaluation. Lab writing skills are also developed in preparation for subsequent courses in the major. Additional topics include ethics pertaining to conducting human research, experimental design, and exploration of student interest within the major.

MATH 160 with a grade of C or higher.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

This course studies the functions of the different human systems including endocrine, muscular, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, and others.

CHEM 110 or 115, and EXSC 222, all with grades of C or higher, or permission of instructor.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

This course presents a systemic approach to studying the structure of the human body, including the skeletal, muscular, integumentary, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and endocrine systems. Laboratory sessions reinforce content learned in lecture, including manipulation of anatomical models complemented by observation of dissected human cadavers. Descriptions of important structure-function relationships are also integrated throughout the course.

BIOL 111 with a grade of C or higher, or permission of instructor.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

This course provides a laboratory research experience for sophomores under the direction of a faculty member. Students may initiate a project or join a research project in the mentor's lab. Student and mentor fill out a department contract. A written research paper and a reflective summary of the research experience must be submitted for a final grade.

Permission of the instructor.

This course provides students with the basic concepts of nutrition and exercise as they relate to health and the prevention of disease. The functions of the six essential nutrients are explored in detail with attention to their roles in metabolism, optimal health, and chronic diseases. The energy values of food and physical activity are quantified while undertaking an in-depth case study and written analysis of dietary intake and physical activity. Students read scientific literature, develop informed opinions, and debate controversial issues such as organically grown and genetically modified foods, and dietary supplements. Other potential topics include nutrition and dieting fads, advertising, weight control and obesity epidemic, sport nutrition, menu planning, and nutritional needs throughout the life cycle.

BIOL 101 or 111 with a grade of C or higher.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

This course provides students with hands-on laboratory experience in human cadaver dissection by expanding on content learned previously in Human Anatomy. With weekly direction from the instructor, students work in teams in the laboratory to dissect several regions of a human cadaver, which may include the muscles, nerves, and vessels of the limbs, thorax, and/or abdomen. If time permits, students may also focus on specialized areas of interest, such as a joint capsule, hand, or internal organ. Students will learn and practice proper safety practices, dissection technique, and cadaver care.

EXSC 222 and permission of instructor.

This course explores the structural, cellular, and molecular changes that occur in skeletal muscle in response to changes in activity, injury, or experimental manipulation. A survey of the nervous system and sensorimotor control set the stage for an exploration of topics such as neuromuscular activation and neuromotor control, neuromuscular fatigue, endurance and strength training adaptations of the nervous system, and the neuromuscular responses to increased and decreased activity.

EXSC 221 and 222, or permission of instructor. NRSC 201 is recommended.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

This course explores the body's acute responses and long-term adaptations to various modes and intensities of exercise. Students focus on understanding how the body's metabolic, cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, and endocrine systems respond to the physiological stress of exercise and training. Laboratory topics include assessment of metabolic rate, cardiorespiratory fitness, ventilatory threshold, and anaerobic power. The impact of physical activity on select clinical populations is also considered.

EXSC 200, 221, and 222, each with a grade of C or higher, or permission of instructor.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

This seminar reviews the requirements for energy macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids), micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), and fluid intake as well as basic principles of digestion and absorption. The regulations on the sale of dietary supplements in the US are discussed and debated. The specific ergogenic aids covered in the course are determined by the interests of the students in consultation with the instructor. Groups of two or three students work together to locate, select, and lead discussion/presentations of primary research studies that address their topics of interest. Each student also designs a diet plan for a specific athlete and presents the plan to the class.

EXSC 301 and 329, or permission of instructor.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

This class is a writing-intensive experience that will expose students to several different types of written assignments commonly completed in the scientific community. The writing includes an application for approval from the Institutional Review Board, a grant proposal, an article written from provided data, and a poster presentation. Both peers and faculty review the written submissions. Each student will present their results in a poster format.

At least two of the following: EXSC 301, 328, 329, 336, or concurrent enrollment; junior or senior standing or permission of instructor.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

This course involves the study of human movement using both a qualitative and quantitative approach. The anatomical structures involved in simple and complex movements will be explored. The principles of mechanics are then applied to the study of human motion to provide an understanding of the internal and external forces acting on the body during human movement. Students will be exposed to a variety of biomechanical instruments and use them to describe and evaluate human movement.

EXSC 200, 222, and PHYS 111, all with a grade of C or higher, or permission of instructor.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

This course provides a laboratory research experience for juniors under the direction of a faculty member. Students may initiate a project or join a research project in the mentor's lab. Student and mentor fill out a department contract. A written research paper, a reflective summary of the research experience, and an oral or poster presentation must be submitted for a final grade.

Permission of the instructor.

This course examines the impact of various environmental stressors on human physiology, particularly as it relates to the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and renal systems during exercise. Topics include acute and/or chronic exposure to heat, cold, high altitude, and hyperbaria, as well as additional topics of student interest. The interaction of environmental stressors with clinical conditions is also explored. Students learn new physiological principles in order to understand and discuss scholarly articles on each topic.

EXSC 329 or permission of instructor.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

This course explores the cellular and molecular mechanisms related to neuroplasticity. Topics such as Alzheimer's, stroke, Parkinson's, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, aging, spinal cord injury, and others will be discussed. Up-to-date molecular and cellular findings from the topics listed above and their effects on our understanding of neuroplasticity and/or neurorehabilitation will be explored.

EXSC 221 and 222, or permission of instructor. NRSC 201 is recommended.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

This course is structured to the expertise and research interests of the professor. Each topic is unique and encompasses a current issue in the field of exercise science.

At least two of the following: EXSC 301, 328, 329, 336, or concurrent enrollment; junior or senior standing or permission of instructor.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

This course will focus on designing programs intended to improve performance or quality of life with special populations. Students engage in a semester-long project designing a complete program for a specific client. The student may choose an elite athlete or disease model intended to improve performance or health. A background in nutrition, exercise physiology, biomechanics and neuroscience will help lay the foundation for a well rounded program intended to address all aspects of the individual. Diet, agility, balance, strength, aerobic, anaerobic training, as well as the combination of training effects will be explored. Contraindications to exercise will also be examined as they relate to health.

At least two of the following: EXSC 301, 328, 329, 336, or concurrent enrollment; junior or senior standing or permission of instructor.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

This course is designed to study the mechanical bases of musculoskeletal injury, to better understand the mechanisms that seem to cause injury, the effect injury has on the musculoskeletal structures, and hopefully, to study how injury may be prevented. Different approaches for studying injury biomechanics will be explored with the students responsible for leading these discussions. Students will research a specific injury condition and present their findings to the class.

EXSC 336.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

Students work in small collaborations to identify a relevant scientific question, research the literature, and design and complete a research thesis written in the format of a journal style manuscript. The specific topic(s) of the course vary by semester based upon the research expertise of the faculty instructor assigned to the course, and may include topics in either biomechanics, neuromuscular adaptation, exercise physiology, or nutrition. Lecture sessions focus on primary research within the expertise of the faculty instructor and students participate by leading and taking part in lectures and discussions. Laboratory experiences include reviewing techniques from prerequisite courses and acquiring new skills required to propose and conduct original research, and present results in oral and written formats.

EXSC 301, 328, 329, and 336 or permission of instructor.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

This course provides a laboratory research experience for seniors under the direction of a faculty member. Students may initiate a project or join a research project in the mentor's lab.Student and mentor fill out a department contract. A written research paper, a reflective summary of the research experience, and an oral or poster presentation must be submitted for a final grade.

Permission of the instructor.

Experimental research is performed under the guidance and in the area of expertise of a faculty member that may include specialized topics in kinesiology/biomechanics, exercise physiology, nutrition and physical activity. Students must write a proposal that is approved by the department and the Institutional Review Board, carry out the research, write the thesis, and orally defend it at a research symposium. Application details can be obtained from the faculty research advisor or department chair.

Junior or senior standing, 2.5 GPA, and permission of instructor.
Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives

Research under the close supervision of a faculty member on a topic agreed upon. Application and proposal to be submitted to the department chair and research advisor. Recommended for majors prior to the senior research semester.

Junior or senior standing, 3.0 GPA, and permission of instructor.