This course serves as an introduction to global development and provides an overview of several problems associated with development and globalization. There are two themes that run throughout the course. First, what are the tradeoffs inherent to the process of industrialization, globalization, and economic growth? Second, what are the political, social, and economic challenges faced by low-income countries? In pursuing these two themes, this course will cover several topics related to development and globalization: the historical trajectory and meaning of the development idea; the role played by colonialism in shaping the contours of the contemporary world; the policy dimensions of development and globalization; the tradeoffs associated with the modernization of agriculture; the causes and consequences of the debt crisis; patterns of health and illness in low-income countries; the environmental impact of industrialization and growing global consumerism; and the challenges faced by women in low-income countries. Crosslisted as IPE/GDS 211.

Knowledge, Identity, and Power

This capstone course allows Global Development Studies (GDS) minors to consolidate their knowledge and engage in meaningful conversations about that knowledge with other students in the program. Students in this seminar undertake an in-depth examination of a specialized topic of interest within the field of global development. Working both as a class and in small groups through the semester, students are expected to research, write, and present a senior thesis.

Permission of the instructor.
Social Scientific and Historical Perspectives

Independent study credit is available to students who demonstrate legitimate educational needs not met through regular course offerings. Students must have junior or senior class standing. Petition for admission is required and requests evaluated on an individual basis. Can be taken only once and cannot be repeated for credit.