What can you do with a Greek, Latin, and Ancient Mediterranean Studies major or minor?

Many students considering a major or minor in Greek or Latin have this problem. The answer is "virtually anything."

Greek, Latin, and Ancient Mediterranean Studies is actually a remarkably practical major or minor, as the training it provides will serve you well in almost any profession, and especially the humanistic ones. According to a recent study, classics majors achieve the highest means scores on the Verbal section of the GRE, and are near the top in the Analytical section as well; only one major scored even within ten points of Greek, Latin, and Ancient Mediterranean Studies.

Another good way to answer this question is to see what other people have done after graduating with a degree in Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies.


  • Associate Technical Recruiter - International, Microsoft Corporation
  • Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, Kitsap County



  • Elementary Teacher, Puyallup School District
  • Teaching Fellowship, University at Buffalo



  • Medical Student, University of Pittsburgh


Another liberal arts college, Hamilton in upstate New York, indicates that their graduates are similarly engaged in diverse professions:


  • Policy Analyst, New York State Senate
  • Senior Vice President, First National Bank of Chicago
  • Senior Vice President for Business Affairs, ABC Inc.
  • Attorney, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • Investment Banker, The Allington Company
  • Economist, IBM Corporation

Publishing & Media

  • Editor, Houghton Mifflin
  • Associate Director, Public Broadcasting Service


  • English Professor, Cornell University
  • Director, National Humanities Center
  • Classics Professor, Princeton University


  • Physician, U.S. Navy

Further examples come from a survey conducted by Princeton University of its Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies majors over a thirty year period; seventy-five percent (75%) of their respondents were engaged in law, medicine, business, or a variety of other occupations.

Still looking for some ideas?

Drop by the department to read the pamphlet "Careers for Classicists" or check out some of these sites:

  • Post Universitatem Bucknellensem
  • Loyola University’s Careers for Classicists
  • Quotes collected by Drew University