Program Design

Plan of Study

The Post-professional Doctor of Occupational Therapy (DrOT) Program is designed to be student-centered to support students’ development of advanced practice skills that support their career goals. To that end, students in the Program are required to articulate one or two areas of concentration and related learning outcomes that will guide them in developing a doctoral thesis project, shaping course assignments, and selecting authentic learning experiences. Upon admission into the program, students will work collaboratively with their adviser to complete a Plan of Study.

Residency through Authentic Learning Experiences

Evidence from educational research shows that learning and the development of expertise are enhanced when learners are engaged in “authentic contexts,” that is, when they apply knowledge and skills to real-life situations. Students in the DrOT Program are expected to identify and pursue authentic learning experiences that will link course objectives and content to their learning goals. The range of authentic experiences is endless. Examples include: clinical practice, supervising fieldwork students, volunteering with a professional association or community organization, lobbying at state or federal levels, teaching a college class or continuing education course, developing a new program, leading a support group, volunteering with an international aid group, etc.