NOTE: This requirement is part of the previous Core, and only applies to students on the 2023-24 or prior Bulletin years. Please see the current Core and graduation requirements here.

(one unit to be taken during the first three years)

Learning Objectives

Students in Natural Scientific Approaches courses develop an understanding of scientific methods. They also acquire knowledge of the fundamental elements of one or more natural sciences.


  1. Courses in Natural Scientific Approaches are founded in and explore the fundamental elements of one or more of the disciplines of astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, and physics.
  2. Courses in Natural Scientific Approaches emphasize scientific methods in problem-solving. They develop the student's analytical abilities and, whenever possible, incorporate quantitative methods.
  3. Courses in Natural Scientific Approaches have regularly scheduled laboratory or field experiences involving data collection and analysis.

Approved Courses

  • BIOL 101 Introduction to Biology
  • BIOL 102 Evolution and Biology of Sex
  • BIOL 111 Unity of Life: Cells, Molecules, and Systems
  • BIOL 112 Evolution and the Diversity of Life
  • CHEM 105 Chemistry in a Changing Climate
  • CHEM 110 General Chemistry I
  • CHEM 115 Integrated Chemical Principles and Analytical Chemistry
  • CHEM 120 General Chemistry II
  • CHEM 230 Integrated Chemical Principles and Analytical Chemistry
  • CHEM 250 Organic Chemistry I
  • CHEM 251 Organic Chemistry II
  • ENVR 105 Environmental Science
  • GEOL 101 Physical Geology
  • GEOL 104 Physical Geology of North America
  • GEOL 105 Oceanography
  • GEOL 110 Regional Field Geology
  • GEOL 140 Climate Change
  • HON 212 Origins of the Modern World View
  • PHYS 109 Astronomy
  • PHYS 111 General College Physics
  • PHYS 112 General College Physics
  • PHYS 121 General University Physics
  • PHYS 122 General University Physics
  • PHYS 205 Physics of Music
  • PHYS 221 Modern Physics I
  • PHYS 222 Modern Physics II