Can you believe that it has been 41 years since your time at Puget Sound? No doubt the memories you cherish make it feel like it was just yesterday!

What are some of your favorite memories of your time at Puget Sound?

 "Making life-long friends, getting tossed into the fountain, Hawkeye in the cafeteria, Thompson Hall, the quad!" - Karen Anderson ’81

"Involvement with 2 sports listed above ... and earning a degree in Mathematics." - Bill Whitton ’81

"Learning about learning, low fog over Todd Field, exploring Tacoma." - Liz Collins ’81, P’02

"The Student Occupational Therapy Association activities were always fun. We went to Occupational Therapy conferences by raising money to support the travel.  I really enjoyed our class!   We did a Friday night movie night in the Pink Buildings.  I really enjoyed being a part of the Homecoming Planning Committee and doing the parade. I loved being student manager for the track team.  My group of friends did so many things together and it was very special." - Peggy Stoddard ’81

"Sporting events: football & basketball, swim meets of course!" - Connie Bergstrom-Donelson ’81

"Time with friends, great classes, the beautiful setting of Tacoma and Puget Sound.  Trips to Mt. Rainier and the Olympic Peninsula." - Stuart Allison ’81

"My favorite times were meeting new people and socializing with them.  Also, I enjoyed having small classes typically of 30 or less.  I needed the small environment to learn more successfully." - Velma Smith ’81

"Working on the newspaper staff; rowing with the crew team; sorority activities; working in the Public Relations office." - Tammra Mertz ’81

"The professors, watching sports, white water rafting, debate." - Kenneth Teal ’81

"Nights in Thompson Hall, dorm activities, roommates." - Jennifer McCoy ’81

"Class in Hawaii during the Winterim of 1980 and 1981." - Bernard Kravitz ’81

Who were your favorite Puget Sound faculty and/or staff? What made them your favorite?

"Tim Hansen, Erik Lindgren, Ernie Karlstrom, Bev Pierson, Curt Melhaff, Frank Cousens.  All were outstanding teachers, although each had their own unique approach to teaching.  All inspired me to want to learn more and to grow intellectually.  All took a personal interest in my development as a person as well as a student." - Stuart  Allison ’81

"Professor Barnett." - Liz Collins ’81, P’02

"Bruce Mann, Doug Goodman, Ralph Corkrum." - Kenneth Teal ’81

"Beverly Pierson, Eileen Solie, Bob Albertson, Frank Cousens, Curt Mehlhaff, Tom Rowland, Wes Nigh.
High standards for learning, enthusiasm, love of life, and excellent teaching!" - Karen Anderson ’81

"Dean Tom Davis (advisor), Coach Paul Walrof, Coach Joe Stortini, Professor Brian Schwimme (sp?)." - Bill Whitton ’81

"Dr. LeRoy Annis ( Shakespeare). Ralph Corkrum. Suzanne Barnett. George Mills and Wilma Beatty Cox.  I also enjoyed Bill Baarsma and Michael Veseth.  I loved college, loved the courses, and almost all of the instructors.  My time at UPS was one of the best periods of my life." - Tammra Mertz ’81

 "Dr. Ron Vanekevort, Dr. Albertson." - Jennifer McCoy ’81

"Shelby Clayson because she was so knowledgeable.  She also supported the students completely.  Joe Peyton as the track coach.  I really enjoyed all of our OT faculty but Watson Wade and Gail Green Smith were probably my favorites." - Peggy Stoddard ’81

"Dr. Heimgartner and Dr. Solie." - Velma Smith ’81

"Dr. Eric Lindgren, Dr. Ernie Karlstrom, Dr. Albertson, Dr. Pam Yorks, Coach Joe Payton." - Bernard Kravitz ’81

What additional thoughts do you have regarding the University of Puget Sound?

"Mark (my spouse) and I loved our experiences at UPS--both academic and social.  Since we have moved from the Midwest back to the PNW we hope, in the next few years, to become more supportive of the institution!" - Karen Anderson ’81

"My time at the University of Puget Sound was a wonderful period in my life.  I have lifelong friends that remain very important to me.  My degree in Mathematics was a cornerstone for my Engineering degree and successful career in Aerospace." - Bill Whitton ’81

"I loved attending the University of Puget Sound.  It was a very different environment than I was raised in.  There was a diverse population of socioeconomics and ethnicity.  It made me understand and appreciate those different than my community.  Thank you for my college experience at UPS.  Class of 1981. Go Loggers!!!" - Velma Smith ’81

"I transferred into UPS in order to complete the Occupational Therapy Program.  The program provided me with a great education and I made some wonderful friends.  Because I had spent 3 years at another institution before transferring in, I didn’t take advantage of all that was available through the University...however, I did participate in all of the Occupational Therapy activities and events.  It was a beautiful campus and I really enjoyed my time at UPS." - Peggy Stoddard ’81