Dear Faculty Supervisors and Staff Colleagues,

We recognize the university’s strong commitment to providing a safe and healthy environment for our students, faculty, and staff. COVID-19 has challenged us as many faculty and staff learn to work in a remote environment in support of a healthy campus.

Cabinet has approved an updated staff Telework policy that will replace the staff Work from Home policy, effective 8/20/20. Telework Policy

Telework is a flexible work arrangement under which a staff member performs the duties and responsibilities of their positions from a site off-campus within Washington State. Puget Sound considers telework to be a viable, flexible work option that supports remote work when the position and the staff member are suited to such an arrangement and it serves the needs of the department and the university.

Telework requests will be carefully considered in light of the university’s mission as a residential liberal arts college that values in-person engagement and a strong sense of community. A signed telework agreement form will be required. The telework agreement ensures that both the supervisor and the staff member have a clear, shared understanding of the staff member’s telework arrangement. The telework agreement form should be completed as soon as possible by all staff who are currently working remotely. Since the majority of staff will return to campus post COVID, telework agreements may be rescinded or modified at that time.

Telework Agreement Form
A telework agreement requires the staff member, supervisor, and department head (in consultation with the Area Vice President/Provost) to approve the arrangement. A staff member, in partnership with the supervisor, should complete a telework agreement form and forward it to their department head for approval. Any telework arrangement may be discontinued at any time at the request of either the staff member, supervisor, department head, or area vice president.

Telework Agreement Form (PDF)

Department heads are responsible for forwarding electronic copies of all approved telework agreement forms and any supporting documents to

If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us at


Cindy Matern P’09, P’11 | Associate Vice President for Human Resources/Career and Employment Services.