Hello Loggers,

As the incoming ASUPS President, I am pleased to announce that applications for ASUPS Cabinet positions are now open for the 2022-2023 school year. Applications for all cabinet positions can be found here and are due March 25.

In a system of checks and balances with ASUPS’ legislative and judicial branches, the ASUPS Cabinet seeks to provide a student voice through representation, foster a sense of community among students, and execute the official business of the Student Body. In addition to the President and Vice President, it consists of the following positions:

  • ASUPS Head of Staff
  • ASUPS Director of Business Services
  • ASUPS Director of Clubs and Student Interests
  • ASUPS Director of Equity, Inclusion, and Justice
  • ASUPS Director of Events and Public Relations
  • ASUPS Director of Medias and Technology Services

For more information about the ASUPS Cabinet or the organization more broadly, please consult the ASUPS website or reach out to asups@pugetsound.edu. I look forward to working with Hannah, the incoming Vice President, to review your applications in the coming weeks.


Nate Sansone ’24 (he/him) | President-Elect
Associated Students of the University of Puget Sound
e. asupspresidentelect@pugetsound.edu