As we begin the spring semester, I want to remind you about some very important safety and crime prevention measures and information. Community awareness and good safety and security practices are essential elements for reducing campus crime risks.

  • Review university emergency response plans at Please take a few minutes to review the “Shots Fired on Campus” training video. You can also learn about weather-related emergency plans on this site. 
  • Familiarize yourself with your work and/or living areas. Know the locations of your building exits and the designated building gathering area. Know how to activate the building fire alarm. Keep your keys available for quick unlocking or locking of rooms or areas. 
  • Never leave your work area unattended and unsecured. Keep personal and university property safeguarded to prevent theft. 
  • Keep your vehicle locked and remove valuables when unoccupied. Car alarms and steering-wheel locking devices are good theft deterrents. If you have a vehicle on campus and have not yet registered it, please do so with the Security Services right away. You can do this online at myPugetSound under Campus Operations.
  • If you ride a bicycle, the use of a U-bolt style lock is highly recommended. Secure bicycles through the frame, remove expensive accessories, and register with 529 Garage through the Security Services website.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and walk with others when possible. Contact Security Services to request a courtesy escort on or near campus (day or night).  
  • Be a safe pedestrian by looking both ways before you cross streets, use crosswalks, and activate safety crossing lights where available.
  • Always immediately report suspicious or unusual activity to Security Services. Staff members are available 24 hours a day. Contact us at 253.879.3311 or 3311 from a campus extension. We recommend you program our telephone number into your cellular phone.
  • Please engage Security Services staff with any safety questions or concerns you may have. Campus safety officers are wearing Puget Sound uniforms, making them easily identifiable.
  • “Like” us on Facebook for current crime prevention tips and current information about security related endeavors on campus.

Please contact me if you have safety concerns particular to your work or living area.  Let’s work together to keep our campus safe. 

Todd A. Badham ’85, P’11 | Director of Security
Security Services