Dear Faculty and Staff Members,

We were delighted to see so many of you at our second Faculty and Staff Appreciation Event this week. We enjoyed the lawn games, root beer floats, and colleagueship.

This is a reminder we will gather for the Strawberry Shortcake Social hosted by the associate deans’ office and the COVID-19 Management Group on Wednesday, July 21 from noon to 1 p.m. in Rasmussen Rotunda. Strawberry shortcake, coffee, tea, and lemonade will be provided. Music will be performed by Seattle jazz guitarist Michael Powers.

"Michael Powers has established himself among a new breed of guitarists and composers who, with each album and every performance, continually redefines the guitars’ role in the jazz context. His technique is stunning, but he never employs it at the expense of the musicality of the melodic line. Blues has always been at the core of Michael’s inspiration and expression." —The Tacoma News Tribune

Tables will be available in Rasmussen Rotunda and additional seating will be available outside.

Strawberry Shortcake 2021 flyer


Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:

Monday, July 19 and 26, 11a.m.–1 p.m.
Campus tours for faculty and staff starting from (and including) the new Welcome Center. Take a peek into the student experience and explore some campus spaces that you might not ordinarily encounter in your day-to-day work. See yesterday’s email from Vice President for Enrollment Matt Boyce for details.

Wednesday, July 28: Staff Appreciation Day
Food trucks, department open houses and more. More details to come.

We’re rollin’ forward, Loggers! We appreciate you!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

The Associate Deans’ Office & the COVID-19 Management Group
Robert M. Kief, CFM, CEFP | Associate Vice President for Facilities Services