Dear Loggers,
Welcome back! I hope that you had a happy and restful break. While Fall 2021 was certainly better in many ways than the previous academic year, it is important for me to acknowledge that there were a variety of continued challenges that made the semester more difficult than anyone imagined. I am so glad to have you back with us for the spring semester, and I understand that there are still difficulties that we are all facing. As you ease back into the spring semester, here are some ways in which Student Affairs and Academic Affairs can support you.
Student Care, Support, & Connection
Taking Time is a casual, weekly space for students, faculty, and staff to gather for reflection, mindfulness, and sharing the ups and downs of life. This spiritual space will be held every Wednesday from 12-12:30pm starting on February 2. Watch for final details and location coming soon!
Chai & Chat is a chance for students (or families, if you’re visiting!) to grab a cup of coffee/tea/chai/water and meet with University Chaplain Dave Wright in one of the campus coffee shops. This is a chance to have a casual visit with a campus leader whose role includes supporting the general/personal/spiritual well-being of Puget Sound students. Wednesdays 9:30-10:30am in Diversions Café starting January 19; Fridays 9:00-10:00am in Oppenheimer Café starting January 28. You can also make an appointment with Dave by emailing
Religious Accommodations and Holidays: If students need to request a religious accommodation to be able to fully participate in religious observances this semester, please remember to write that request to your professors (individually!) no later than 5pm on February 1. If you have questions, please consult with Chaplain Dave Wright ( as soon as possible. Spring semester is always tricky because many of our major observances – Ramadan, Passover, Easter – are still months away. The full policy is available online. If any students would like to learn more about how to connect with campus or local communities around religious holidays, please email
Counseling, Health, and Wellness Services are available throughout the semester. You can find resources about accessing care on the university website.
Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) is an online mental health opportunity that includes 150 brief, effective, educational sessions covering over 50 topics and skills related to mental health, wellness, and substance abuse issues. Register for TAO today using your Puget Sound email address and start accessing the varied online support mechanisms.
All Addictions Anonymous meetings are held weekly for students experiencing addictions of all types. If you are interested in taking part in a meeting, email
Student Accessibility and Accommodation: Do you think you may have a disability, but haven’t been diagnosed? Do you have a documented disability that qualifies you for academic accommodations? Have you registered with SAA? If you are entitled to accommodations, have you used them? If you have used accommodations, have you checked in with SAA to discuss how the accommodations are going and whether adjustments might be possible?
Each semester, your accommodation needs may be different, depending on your own circumstances and what classes you are taking. Federal and state guidance regarding accommodations change on an ongoing basis, as well. SAA keeps current with evolving accommodation regulations and collaborates with Puget Sound faculty in implementing approved accommodations. SAA is here to help you. For more information, visit SAA online.
Academic Opportunities
Center for Writing and Learning
It can be really helpful to work with a more experienced peer when you’re trying to understand new concepts, work on a writing assignment, or manage your time.
- When you get your next writing assignment (essay, lab report, creative writing, artist
- statement, etc.), consider making an appointment or several appointments with a Writing Advisor, who can help you organize your thoughts or improve your editing skills. Peer Research Advisors are also available in Collins Memorial Library to help you with developing your research skills. Language Partners work with multilingual students to help them navigate the conventions and quirks of academic English writing.
- As you work on problem sets or study for exams, consider meeting with a Subject Tutor. The CWL has tutors available in a wide range of subjects who are specially trained to help students individually or in small groups.
- Academic Consultants can help students improve their time management skills, organization, study skills, and test-taking strategies.
- Sound Writing is also a great resource: it is a comprehensive online writing handbook—written by Puget Sound students in consultation with Puget Sound faculty—that offers advice on writing process, research, grammar, and style to help students develop the socially conscious and “sound” writing that is at the heart of a Puget Sound education.
Writing Excellence Competition
Even in the midst of a challenging year, we know you’ve been doing good work! Please consider submitting your best writing for Puget Sound classes in the 2021 calendar year to the Writing Excellence Competition, for the chance of being awarded one of the ten $250 prizes being offered:
- Two prizes in each category: Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- One prize each for First-year Seminars, Connections, and Graduate Programs
- One prize for a paper written on a topic related to race and pedagogy, regardless of the course in which it was written.
- The deadline has been extended to 5 pm this Friday, January 28! For more information on how to submit, visit this link.
Experiential Learning Programs and Support
- Student Research grant applications for Summer Research, Scholarship and Creative Work are due March 2. This includes research in the natural sciences, arts, humanities, or social science.
- UEC Student Research awards spring application deadline is April 6. These awards provide up to $500 to support direct costs related to student research projects.
- We’re offering a range of Experiential Learning courses that aim to support students in taking their next best step. Check out RISE (EXLN 201) and the Internship Seminar (EXLN 350), along with Career Exploration (CRDV 201) and Career Readiness (CRDV 301) offered out of Career and Employment Serves.
- Applications for the Summer Fellowship Internship Program will open on Tuesday, February 1 and close on Tuesday, February 15, 2022. The SFI program supports students who would like to gain experience interning for local nonprofit or public sector organizations.
- The Puget Sound Experiential and Reflective Learning Society will have its first meeting of the Spring Semester on Thursday, January 27th from 11-12. PEARLS is a campus group that focused on the value and benefits of active reflection through a variety of creative mediums and is a space where campus community members can engage with each other in a holistic way, share experiences, engage in the community, and navigate challenges and growth.
- Visit Experiential Learning online to learn more.
Security Services
Security Services partners with all members of the campus community to maintain a safe environment for learning and working. Crime prevention is a community responsibility. For crime prevention services including vehicle and bicycle registration, building access, and safety escorts, or to report a crime or activity that seems out of place, contact Security Services at 253.879.3311.
Students who have concerns or questions about university security or security staff are encouraged to contact the director who is available on campus during most business hours.
Residence Life
Key dates to keep in mind for 2022-2023 housing:
- Self service opens for rising seniors on February 16 and for rising juniors on February 17
- Rising sophomore group housing: open Feb 22-23
- Self service for rising sophomores open March 21-23
- Self service for all ends on March 31
Keep an eye on your inbox for more information from Residence Life!
Leadership & Engagement
Greek Life Recruitment
In order to aim for a fully in-person process, Greek recruitment was delayed until the first week of February. You can still register for recruitment! Visit Puget Sound Greek Life online for more information and to sign up.
Passages Leader Applications
Passages leader applications will go live the first week of February. The Passages team will conduct interviews throughout the month and hope to have the leader team hired by Spring Break. The applications will go live on Friday, January 28. Please check out the Passages website for more information.
Residence Life Student Leaders
Res Life Student Leader applications are due at 5:00pm on Sunday, January 30. Visit this link to apply.
Leadership Workshops
The Student Involvement & Programs Team (SI&P) has put together a series of leadership workshops that will support all kinds of leadership roles including Residence Life and Passages leaders. The workshops are focused on individual leadership and will use “Emotional Intelligence” as the foundation.
ASUPS Opportunities
The student government has the following open positions. If you are interested, email for an application:
- Deputy Director of Budget
- Deputy Director of Services
- Cultural Consciousness Programmer
- Popular Entertainment Programmer
- Northwest Sounds Programmer
- Lectures Programmer
Students are able to research and join clubs using the ASUPS online platform:
Peer Advisor Opportunities
- A Writing Advisor or Subject Tutor in the Center for Writing and Learning (Due February 11)
- An Academic Peer Advisor (Due February 11)
- A Peer Research Advisor
Career and Employment Services
Kick off spring semester with advice from Logger alumni, and sessions to help you prepare for life beyond Puget Sound.
- Whatever stage you’re at in your career readiness, get ready to level up at the Future Heights career conference, January 29!
- Trying to decide what career path to follow? Or ready to launch your search for internships and entry-level jobs? Attend the Spring Virtual Career Fair on Thursday, Feb. 24 to explore career options and to connect with organizations that are hiring!
- Are you looking for part-time work in a supportive community where you can build valuable experience, skills, and relationships? On-campus employment opportunities abound at Puget Sound! Spring jobs are posted now, and more will be added as the term approaches. Visit to apply.
Puget Sound offers a lifetime of opportunities which are an important part of your college experience now and for years to come. I look forward to seeing you during the course of this semester. If we in Student Affairs or the Academic Division can be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to be in touch at or 253.879.3360.
And remember: Once a Logger…Always a Logger!
My best wishes to you,
Sarah Comstock
Sarah Rush Comstock
Interim Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students