Dear Loggers,
I hope you are returning from the break relaxed and ready to take on the remaining few weeks of the semester. The holiday season can be a stressful time, and Student Affairs is here to support you.
I write today to offer support to those of you who may be affected by news of an act of gun violence that occurred at Tacoma Mall last Friday evening. The incident occurred at a time where there were many people crowded into stores and surrounding restaurants, working, shopping, or meeting friends. The trauma created from that situation impacted many across the greater Tacoma community, and is an unfortunate reminder of how many across our country are impacted by gun violence daily.
If you were directly affected by this incident, or have had feelings of trauma triggered as a result, please reach out to available resource on campus. Counseling, Health, and Wellness Services (253.879.1555 or; the Chaplain’s office (253.879.3818 or; and other offices and services are important resources for support regarding this incident and any other concerns you may have.
Please take care,
Sarah Rush Comstock
Interim Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students