
Dear Campus Community,

Following an extensive and highly competitive national search, I’m pleased to announce that we have named Annie Downey as our new University Librarian and Director of Collins Memorial Library. Annie comes to Puget Sound from University of Washington Tacoma, where she is currently Associate Dean of University Libraries. She will begin her appointment with us on July 1, 2024.

Annie is a passionate advocate for both academic libraries and the liberal arts. She is a proven leader with demonstrated experience in developing a cohesive and inclusive vision for the library as a central place on campus for fostering vibrant intellectual exchange, building community, and promoting student success.

Annie received her bachelor’s degree in anthropology, her master’s degree in library science, and her doctorate in higher education from the University of North Texas. She brings to Puget Sound 19 years of experience as a successful librarian and leader in a variety of academic environments, including the University of Redlands, Reed College, and the University of North Texas. Annie is the author of three books, and she has written and presented on service design, information literacy, women in libraries, and other topics. She was awarded the first Future of Libraries Fellowship in 2017 from the ALA Center for the Future of Libraries and was named a 2018 Mover and Shaker by Library Journal.

I’d like to thank our search committee for their tireless and thoughtful work. The committee includes:

  • Nick Brody, Communication Studies
  • Dan Burgard, Chemistry
  • Peggy Burge, Collins Memorial Library
  • Margot Casson, Technology Services
  • Tracy Doyle, School of Music
  • Amy Fisher, Science, Technology, Health & Society
  • Nik Malkmus, Facilities Architect
  • Shelly Norvell, Occupational Therapy
  • Hilary Robbeloth, Collins Memorial Library
  • Lili Stevens ’24

The committee also received support from Executive Assistant to the Provost Janis Chen. Please join me in thanking our search committee and Janis, and welcoming Annie to Puget Sound!


Drew Kerkhoff, Provost