
Dear Members of the Campus Community:

We are writing to share some important updates related to our ongoing compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that receives federal financial assistance.  As explained below, these changes affect our policy and procedure for addressing sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and other sexual misconduct. In addition, we want to follow up on the campus message from December 19 to share additional information related to upcoming interim leadership of the Title IX/Equal Opportunity office.  

First and foremost, the university remains committed to providing a work and educational environment free from harassment and discrimination. We will continue to provide updates associated with any further developments, and please feel free to contact us or the Title IX/EO Office if you have any questions on the information below.  

Changes to our Policy and Procedure Due to Recent Legal Decision
On January 9, 2025, a federal court decision vacated the 2024 Final Rule for Title IX that was effective on August 1, 2024. This means that the 2024 Title IX regulations issued by the Department of Education are not effective in any state, including Washington.

As a result of this ruling, we are currently reviewing our policy and procedures prohibiting discrimination and harassment and awaiting any additional guidance from the Department of Education to assure we are continuing to comply with the ruling and other applicable law, and the Title IX Coordinator/ Equal Opportunity Officer has been in touch with anyone who has an ongoing or current complaint of harassment or discrimination.

Interim Title IX Coordinator/Equal Opportunity Officer Appointments
Additionally, as was announced last month, Title IX Coordinator/Equal Opportunity Officer Sandra Braedt is leaving the university for another position, and her last day at Puget Sound is Monday, February 3. As we work through the hiring process for this position, Debbie Chee and Dr. Amy Gauthier from Student Affairs will be consecutively serving as the Interim Title IX Coordinator/Equal Opportunity Officer. Debbie will serve in this role from February 4-February 16.  Amy will then serve in this role starting February 17 until the position is permanently filled. We appreciate their willingness to serve in this important role for the university during this transitional time. If you have any questions about the policy or procedures applicable to a current concern or an ongoing matter, you can contact the Title IX/Equal Opportunity Office at 253.879.3793 or at titleix-eoo@pugetsound.edu.

Sarah Comstock, Vice President of Student Affairs & Dean of Students
Joanna Carey Cleveland,  Vice President and General Counsel, Chief of Staff, and Secretary to the Board of Trustees