Dear Campus Community,
With everyone back on campus, we want to take this opportunity to remind you about our Inclement Weather Policy. With due consideration for the safety of our faculty, staff, and students, the university seeks to remain fully operational to the greatest extent possible; however, certain severe conditions may warrant an alteration of university operations, such as modifications to normal work operations and classes, or delays or cancellations of classes, campus events, or other onsite programming.
The university’s Inclement Weather Policy provides information about the process of modifying classes and operations, and we encourage you to familiarize yourself with it. The policy has been updated to reflect the university’s online and remote work capabilities and continues to recognize that there are certain staff members who are needed on campus during periods of modified operations due to inclement weather in order to provide essential support for campus residents and critical campus services. Please note that graduate and undergraduate academic operations may vary.
Department heads: Department heads, in consultation with the applicable area vice president or the Provost, are responsible for designating which staff are needed on campus to provide essential services and determining whether staff may work remotely. Please make sure your internal communication plans are updated, and that you keep team members updated on department-specific plans for the continuation of operations/services. Remember to communicate with student staff members as well.
Staff members: If you are uncertain whether you are authorized to work remotely or if you are needed on campus to provide essential services during modified operations due to weather, please contact your supervisor or department head. Which positions are necessary to offer essential services may vary by specific circumstances, and is determined by each department head in consultation with the Provost or area vice president. Please note that Human Resources does not maintain a list of essential services personnel and cannot advise you on whether to report to work. Essential services personnel should report for their regularly scheduled shifts or modified shifts approved by their supervisor. As always, if you are unable to work, contact your supervisor as soon as possible in advance of your affected shift.
Faculty members and students: If a determination is made not to hold in-person classes, faculty have the option of holding an online class session for the in-person course. Class sessions for online courses may be canceled at the faculty member’s discretion. Faculty are responsible for notifying their students in advance that an in-person class will be taught online or that an online class will not be held.
Weather emergency notification: Whenever feasible, university decisions about modified operations for any given day will be made by 5:30 a.m. However, updates and adjustments may occur at any time based on changing conditions. No announcement means the university is on its regular schedule without any alterations.
Announcements regarding modified operations will be communicated on the University’s website (pugetsound.edu) and campus emergency information line (253.879.4900). Information may also be communicated via local news outlets, campus email, text, and/or social media. The university website will always provide the most current and accurate information.
Safety precautions:
- Please use sound personal judgment when deciding whether to come to campus based on your local weather, road conditions, and personal circumstances.
- Dress appropriately, avoid or exert extra care in navigating icy pavements or walkways, and be mindful of hazardous conditions when driving.
- As always, if you experience or become aware of a health/safety emergency on campus, please contact Security Services (253.879.3311).
Stay safe,
Stacy L. Kelly, JD | Chief Risk Management Officer & Assistant General Counsel
David Ferber, PhD | Director of Security Services
Nancy Nieraeth, SHRM-SCP | Chief People Officer
Robert M. Kief, CFM, CEFP, SFP | Associate Vice President for Facilities Services
Amy Spivey, PhD | Dean of Faculty Affairs
Julia Looper, PhD | Dean of Graduate Affairs