
Dear members of the Logger community,

I am greatly saddened to report that Dr. Bruce Mann, Professor Emeritus of Economics, passed away on Tuesday afternoon, after a short illness. Bruce was a longstanding, dedicated, and beloved member of the Puget Sound community, and I want to express our deepest condolences to Bruce’s wife Judy as well as his family, friends, colleagues, and students.

Extending well beyond his 41-year career as a faculty member and into his retirement, Bruce’s work at Puget Sound positively touched the lives of countless students, faculty, and staff members in our community. Having learned about him from friends and colleagues, his passion for the classroom seems legendary. He had even planned to teach a course this semester as an adjunct professor in economics.

Another communication will follow to more fully memorialize Bruce’s life and his contributions to the Puget Sound community.

In times of loss, we all need sources of support to sustain us in our grief. Students have several options available, including access to UWill (free online therapy platform) via the UWill app in their login.pugetsound.edu account. Students may also contact CHWS (253.879.1555) to set up an appointment with a counselor or reach out to University Chaplain Dave Wright (dwright@pugetsound.edu) to find a time to meet or discuss additional grief resources.

Staff and faculty colleagues may also connect with Dave or access counseling and other crisis support resources through the Canopy Employee Assistance Program by calling 800.433.2320 (a 24/7 service), texting 503.850.7721, or emailing info@canopywell.com.

Please keep Judy and Bruce’s family close to your hearts, and we ask that you respect their privacy at this time. Associate Professor and Chair of Economics Andrew Monaco (amonaco@pugetsound.edu) has offered to serve as a source of information and can also share condolences with the family.

With support and sympathy,

Andrew Kerkhoff | Provost