Hello Class of 2016!
We are officially Puget Sound alumni. We hope you all feel ready and equipped as you move toward your next steps, whatever and wherever they may be. As you all begin your time out in the “real” world, we also hope that you know that Puget Sound will always be your home.
We are pleased to announce that last year, over 50 percent of our class participated in the Senior Class Gift Campaign. While a gift of five dollars may not sound like a lot, collectively we all made an impact by contributing directly to current students’ financial aid. The contributions that we have made and will continue to make will ensure that Puget Sound is accessible to every deserving student, regardless of their ability to pay.
As you look over your budgets and take into account all the expenses that life entails, I encourage you to reflect on all the Puget Sound has given you. I hope you take time to remember the professors that inspired you, the friends that influenced you, and the opportunities that changed you. I hope that these experiences encourage you to keep giving back. Small gifts really do help Puget Sound grow. Together, we can help provide even more students the same incredible experiences and outstanding education we have had the last four years.
Thank you!
The 2016 Senior Class Gift Committee
Class Gift Agents
Sam A. Anders
Lisa M. Colombo
Stephanie L. Gates
Michaela G. Johnson Blanchard
Jessalyn C. Kreutzer
Tim P. Pogar
Alexandria K. Van Voris
Number of Donors: 278
Maroon and White
Brian N. Freeman
Rachel K. Moore
$1 - $999
Haley Abels
Amalia Acorda-Fey
Jonathan K. Adams
Sam A. Anders
Carla A. Anderson
Wren W. Andrews
Sophia K. Asing-Yuen
Danya M. Axelrad-Hausman
Natalie M. Balkam
Ryan A. Banwarth
Grace Best-Devereux
Justin K. Bigelow
Zander T. Biro
Jake A. Bisuut
Alyxandra L. Rodriguez Bock
Nick L. Bod
Lauren R. Boniface
Rachel H. Bowdle
Wesley A. Brandemuehl
Sarah M. Brauner
Tori L. Bridges
Parker T. Brisebois
Austin M. Brittenham
Garrett W. Buffington
Mike R. Burley ▲
Kent C. Busson
Jane A. Campbell
J.P. Campbell
Megan H. Campbell
Courtney L. Carley
Macaulie A. Casey
Liam M. Caulfield
Kyle L. Chambers
Joe S. Chen
Brady G. Christoph ●
Auri C. Clark
Caroline M. Clark
Sam L. Coates
Zachary J. Cohan
Lisa M. Colombo
Emma C. Cosaro
Margaret A. Cowles
Ian J. Craighead
Marissa G. Croft
Gerald I. Cuyle Jr.
Rosa L. Dale-Moore
Peter C. Davidson
Lainie M. Davis
Matthew L. Davis
Daniel H. Deuel
Cheyenne N. Dewey
Elena M. Dodge
Kasturi C. Dolson
Anna I. Dovzhik
Anna G. Dunlap
Ashley T. Dyas
Becca L. Ebert
Lukas L. Edman
Joel F. Eklof
Lauren E. Eliason
Hannah G. Ellingson
Edgar J. Elliott
Conner Engle
Olivia G. Erickson
Garret G. Evans
Kailee R. Faber
Olivia A. Fair
Alister J. Fazio
Xeno Fish
Brenna S. Fisher
Reilly E. Fitzpatrick
Pamela L. Fletcher
Sarah C. Foad
Matt B. Folensbee
Mikaela F. Forest
Kelly K. Frank
Olivia P. Freeman
Elaina R. Friedman
Samuel L. Friedman
Robin D. Fults
Haley J. Galer Rosenberg
Leanne A. Gan
Stephanie L. Gates
Piper E. Gazeley
Lydia S. Gebrehiwot
Matt S. Goldberg
Paul R. Goudarzi-Fry
Bella T. Graves
Scott M. Greenfield
Lilie M. Gross
Sam C. Hain
Irema Halilovic
Caroline R. Hamilton
Erik Hammarlund
Carolynn Hammen
Becky C. Hanscam
Jace A. Hanson
Kendall M. Harman
Madeline M. Harris
Alissa G. Hartnig
Amanda P. Harvey
Cliff T. Hayashi
Alex Henderson
Lucas Q. Henken
Keven E. Henley
Raymond M. Hermosillo Torres
Georgia-May Heron
Michellie S. Hess
Arthur D. Hogan
Liana K. Holcomb McCann
Zachary Holcomb
Lydia G. Hollingsworth
Jared S. Honda
Elise M. Hooker
Liam G. Horner
Ana Howard
Mark A. Howard
Claire K. Huber
Kai N. Hundemer
Alexia M. Ingerson
Marissa K. Irish
Rosie M. Irwin
Spencer J. Johndrew
Michaela G. Johnson Blanchard
Ben R. Jones
James D. Kaner
Bobbijo A. Katagiri
Andie M. Kenneally
Elizabeth A. King
Galen E. King
Martine G. Kivatinetz
Shane M. Kiyota
Megan M. Kober
Kyle J. Kolisch
Jon A. Kosek
Lizzie M. Kressler
Jessalyn C. Kreutzer
Jacob A. Kwasman
Ian H. Latimer
Aubrey Ann S. Lawrence
Karlie K. LeClair
Gabe S. Lehrman
Taylor J. Leitz
Sunny H. Lewis
Michael Limric
Sara E. Littlefield
Carson E. Lyness
Nick J. Lyon
Ross T. Macausland
Sean P. Maher
Claire E. Mahoney
Brandi M. Main
Cameron Z. Malik
Ashley L. Malin
Bailey K. Marshall
Elana D. Maslow
Jordyn S. McLuen
Gabriel A. Michaels
Emma J. Michl
Misha J. Miller-Hughes
Olivia P. Mitchell
Kristoffer F. Moody
Catherine E. Mooney-Myers
Lani F. Morris
Ellen M. Mueller
Sharthak K. Mukhopadhyay
Dina Mustakim
Nihal Mustakim
Dan A. Nakamura
Alissa K. Nance
Eric J. Nathanson
Zeman A. Nathoo
Nick T. Navarro
Nicholas P. Nestingen
Bryston A. Nham
Molly M. Nicholson
Lillian Oh
Sean A. O’Halloran
Lorrain M. Oill
Gianna M. Olson
Claire C. Olvany
Conner J. O’Malley
Kieran F. O’Neil
William M. Opitz
Mike H. Pang
Alec P. Pankow
Jonathan S. Park
Lauren S. Park
Emmaline C. Parker
Denise L. Parry
Caroline V. Perris
Taylor R. Petersen
Anna C. Pezzullo
Alex J. Plant
Tim P. Pogar
Cydne M. Pope
Breann L. Pugnetti
Ryan S. Quinn
Franco R. Ramos
Jasper F. Raynolds
Katie L. Reeder
Maya J. Richman
Russell R. Ridenour
Jack Riley
James A. Robinson
Maya Y. Robinson
Jacob K. Roeder
Daniel S. Rubin
Devan J. Salter
Laura L. Saltzer
Heather L. Sangster
Melanie A. Schaffer
Freya C. Scherlie
Anna R. Schierbeek
MacKenzie C. Schledorn-Rudden
Rob D. Schulberg
Darrin W. Schultz
Haila Schultz
Jesse V. Schumacher
Abby K. Scurfield
Keith W. Shattuck
Emily M. Sheldon
Meredith A. Shores
Alex W. Simon
Katie T. Singsank
Dominic D. Skinner
Matthew E. Sklar
Nicholas C. Smit
Natalie L. Smith
Carlos C. Soria Jr.
Bridget J. Spencer
Kylie A. Sprague
Annie K. Steele
Heather G. Stepp
Walter A. Streeter
Shoshana J. Strom
Rachel A. Sugar
Kazu Suzuki
Emily A. Svejnoha
Nick R. Sweet
Anita W. Tam
Jenna Tatiyatrairong
Alex J. Teesdale
Mara G. Teylan
Max R. Thompson
Mica K. Thompson
Quinn S. Thorsnes
Kimberly C. Thuman
Shanon L. Trachy
Connie Y. Trettin
Audra T. Tromly
Nick Tucker
Amanda Tun
Alexandria K. Van Voris
Robin L. Vanhouten
Karina A. Vasavada
Hailey N. Vasquez
Michael Villasenor
Austin B. Wagner
Kim D. Webber
Gracie L. Weber
Kailee N. Weiler
Cooper C. Weissman
Danielle C. Westerman
Yvonne Wetzig
Ben W. White
Kaitlin E. White
Allanah M. Whitehall
Aurelia K. Wieber
Maura E. Williams
Will W. Winston
Cassie R. Winter
Daniel J. Wolfert
Lexy R. Woods
Allie M. Wyszynski
Jordan M. Yamashita
Number of Donors: 1
$1 - $9,999
Carolynn Hammen
Number of Donors: 5
$1 - $9,999
Garrett W. Buffington
Brady G. Christoph ●
Joe R. Kaplan
David S. Kuyper
Rachel K. Moore