This course introduces selected monuments produced by the civilizations of the pagan ancient Mediterranean and the Near East, medieval Christian Europe, and the world of Islam, from ca. 3000 BCE to ca. 1300 CE. The course examines a wide range of material - from colossal monuments built for the powerful to humble objects used by commoners, from works of awesome religious significance to lighthearted artifacts of the secular realm - to understand the role art played in the various societies of the ancient world. Emphasis is placed on how the monuments functioned within their cultural contexts and how they expressed political, social, and religious meanings. To facilitate the inquiry, the course also introduces terms and principal methods of art historical study.

Artistic and Humanistic Perspectives
Credit will not be granted to students who have received credit for HON 206.
Course UID
Course Subject
Catalog Number
Long title
Studies in Western Art I: Ancient through Medieval Art