This course introduces the arts of Mesoamerica and Mexico from 1200 BCE to the present. Architecture, sculpture, pottery, textiles, and painting of the pre-Columbian, Viceregal, and modern periods are examined with their ritual functions in mind, focusing on the political and religious contexts of the works. Style is analyzed throughout the course as a product of cultural intersection and transmission, reflecting ongoing adaptation and assimilation rather than the hegemonic expression of one particular culture. Readings and discussions on art and material culture from the 16th century to the present include the reception of "New World" images and objects by European and North American audiences, as well as a fundamental investigation of the power of art to create, confirm national and local identity, or reject views of other cultures. Counts toward Latin American Studies minor.

Artistic and Humanistic Perspectives
Second year standing or above.
Course UID
Course Subject
Catalog Number
Long title
The Art of Mexico and Mesoamerica