This course examines how individuals behave in and around organizations and how organizations themselves behave. Every day, individuals share time with others and operate within organizations. When people understand the behavior of individuals and organizations in their lives, they can better establish expectations, operate efficiently, and achieve goals. This class examines concepts and develops perspectives that help students effectively manage individuals and organizations. At the level of the individual, students learn about self-presentation, career planning, giving and receiving, feedback, personality, decision making, resilience, and creating success. At the level of the organization, students learn about teamwork, structure, culture, identity, change, resistance to change, and overcoming resistance to change. In addition, Organizational Behavior challenges students to develop skills in writing, presentation, and working in groups.
Social Scientific and Historical Perspectives
BUS 305 with C- or higher, or permission of instructor.
Course UID
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Catalog Number
Long title
Organizational Behavior