Few issues press on the minds, hearts, and lives of upcoming generations as much as climate change. Driven by swiftly accelerating transformations in our global environment and unmistakable scientific projections, young people face forms of uncertainty and anxiety around our global future -- sometimes infused by anger, denial or despair. The rise of youth involvement in issues of climate justice signals the importance of educational spaces as locations of action, awareness and dialogue. The purpose of this course is to engage undergraduate students and potential educators in considerations of, and practices for, supporting children and youth in learning about and responding to climate change realities in developmentally appropriate ways, particularly from a stance of social justice. Through readings, conversation, writing, interaction with teaching materials, and in engaging beyond the classroom, students will develop a critical understanding of climate justice, explore ways to engage children and youth in climate awareness and justice-centered projects, and work with local educators to observe and reflect upon real world climate justice education in action. Successful completion of the course requires a 10 hour commitment to community-based activities related to themes of the course.
Experiential Learning
Social Scientific and Historical Perspectives
Course UID
Course Subject
Catalog Number
Long title
Teaching about Climate Justice with Children and Youth