This course is designed to engage students in a critical examination of select issues associated with social stratification in Singapore and Malaysia. Specifically, it examines the themes of identity and culture within the context of the broader dynamics of systematic inequality in these two neighboring countries have very intertwined histories and cultures, but yet are distinct from one another. Through various readings, discussions, lectures, and on-site engagement, the course delves into specific issues such as race, class, gender, and religious fault lines that enable students to (1) become more engaged with the lived experiences of Singaporeans and Malaysians; and (2) develop a more sociologically informed and nuanced understanding of how the aforementioned key components of stratification in these societies shape the lives of its people and institutions.

Social Scientific and Historical Perspectives
Acceptance into the PacRim program.
Course UID
Course Subject
Catalog Number
Long title
Inequality in Malaysia and Singapore