Brittany Harrington

Brittany Harrington

Affiliate Artist, Bassoon

Brittany Harrington is an active freelancer and educator, renowned for her versatility, creativity, and artistry. The Dallas Morning News lauded her playing, stating, "Special praise goes to Brittany Harrington’s gorgeously intoned, eloquently shaped bassoon solos." Most recently, she has performed with the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Pacific Northwest Ballet, Seattle Music, among others in the area, and held a summer role performing with the Britt Festival Orchestra in Jacksonville, OR.

In addition to her performance credentials, Brittany is a dedicated and influential educator. She serves as a coach and private music teacher with the Cascade Youth Symphony Orchestra and the Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra. She has also been a sought-after masterclass guest educator in Seattle, where she coaches ensembles and shares her insights as a performer and teacher. Brittany has a passion for nurturing young talent and a commitment to music education that also intersects with her role as a chamber musician.

Brittany is a founder and member of the internationally acclaimed chamber ensemble, The Breaking Winds Bassoon Quartet. This innovative group is celebrated for its creative performances that blend various musical genres with pop culture. The group is comprised of four women wielding bassoons (with help from some kazoos, a melodica, and whatever else they find around the apartment) and aims to explore the creative frontier and share smiles along the way. By blending varied musical genres and performance styles with pop culture, the quartet demonstrates that music and laughter are universal languages. A viral YouTube video of their Lady Gaga Saga in 2011 catapulted them to international fame, leading to performances on stages worldwide, including performances and masterclasses in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, Thailand, and Spain. To date, their YouTube channel has over 3 million views and has received press from NPR and MTV.

Brittany is also a Fox Sponsored Artist. She believes in making music fun and creatively pushing its boundaries while maintaining a high level of musicianship.

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