Professor Dan Burgard

Professor, Chemistry

Dan is a researcher and teacher whose interests lie in environmental analyses and monitoring of air and water.  Projects with Puget Sound Students initially focused on the remote sensing of mobile source gaseous emissions and now his work involves the analysis of municipal wastewater to quantify trace levels of pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs. His work on wastewater-based epidemiology has been published in scientific peer-reviewed articles as well as covered in the popular media such as Wired, the Associate Press, NPR Market Place and Discovery Channel Daily Planet. Dan teaches analytical, instrumental, and environmental chemistry courses at Puget Sound.

Dan completed his undergraduate degree at Colorado College and then taught at a Denver area high school before returning to do graduate work at the University of Denver under the direction of Donald Stedman. Dan joined the Chemistry Department at Puget Sound in 2006.


Our Research In the News

BA Colorado College 1996
PhD University of Denver 2006
Climate Chemistry CHEM 105-A Spring 2025
Analytic Methods CHEM 231-A Spring 2025

Contact Information

Thompson 355A