Emelie Peine

Professor and Director, International Political Economy

Emelie Peine’s research focuses on the role of multinational agribusiness in the global food regime, and the effect this has on prices, populations, and economies. Peine is also interested in local food systems and food accessibility. She led a Northwest course on the impact of locally-grown food on people, the economy, and politics. Overseas, Peine examined China’s “go out” policy of purchasing farmland and processing plants overseas so as to provide China with feed grains such as soy. She also studied what this means for control of the supply chain and for local farmers and rainforests in Brazil. As a Fulbright Scholar she researched “Chinese Investment in the Brazilian Soybean Industry: Implications for Brazilian food sovereignty and global security,” (2012–13) and was invited to a Washington D.C. policy think tank workshop on the topic, along with Latin American and U.S. business leaders, state department officials, and other academics. She was interviewed on NPR’s On Point about the global food aid crisis and by CNBC.com about antibiotic use in animals and food safety. Publications include “Trading on Pork and Beans: Agribusiness and the construction of Brazil-China-soy-pork commodity complex,” in The Ethics and Economics of Agrifood Competition. Peine teaches courses on theories of international political economy, food and hunger, and Brazil-China relations.


T 1–3 p.m., W 2–3 p.m., or by appointment.

BA The Evergreen State College 1998
MS Cornell University 2002
PhD Cornell University 2009
Hooch CONN 307-A Spring 2025
Garden Practices ENVP 356-A Spring 2025
Cosmopolitan Countrysides IPE 367-A Spring 2025
Senior Thesis Seminar IPE 401-A Spring 2025

Contact Information

McIntyre 207