Professor, Environmental Studies & Sciences
Michael Valentine’s research interests are primarily in paleomagnetics and the use of geophysics (gravity and magnetics) to define subsurface features. He focuses on past behavior of the Earth’s field, and the use of paleomagnetic studies for geologic mapping and determination of motions of the Earth’s crust over time. He is also familiar with structural geology, plate tectonics, continental drift, reversals of Earth’s magnetic field, and Pacific Northwest geological hazards. Valentine teaches courses on Physical Geology, Oceanography, Geophysics, Structural Geology and Tectonics, Exploring the Solar System, and Geological and Environmental Catastrophes.
Research Paleomagnetism--investigation of past geomagnetic field behavior, including reversals, and using paleomagnetic studies to define past crustal motions Structural Geology--using structural features to define stress and tectonic histories Personal Interests Baseball, rock music, living to fulfill my children's' every whim (will that be American or cheddar cheese on that sandwich?)