Pierre Ly

Pierre Ly

Professor and Director, International Political Economy

Pierre Ly received his PhD in Economics from the Toulouse School of Economics in France. Pierre teaches IPE courses on international trade and finance, NGOs, the Chinese economy, and The Idea of Wine. His research interests include development, China, the political economy of wine, and study abroad internships. His first book, co-authored with Cynthia Howson, "Adventures on the China Wine Trail: How Farmers, Local Governments, Teachers, and Entrepreneurs Are Rocking the Wine World" (Rowman &Littlefield, 2020), won Gourmand International’s "Best in the World" award in the Wine and Beer Tourism books category. Prior to his focus on wine, Pierre published research on the business activities of Non-Government Organizations in Bangladesh, and online crowdfunding for microfinance institutions. Pierre’s current research, with Cynthia Howson, examines the political economy of the study abroad internship placement sector.

BA University of Toulouse 2001
MA University of Toulouse 2002
PhD University of Toulouse 2007
Study Abroad & Global Affairs CONN 116-A Fall 2024
International Trade & Finance IPE 205-A Fall 2024
Senior Thesis Seminar IPE 401-A Fall 2024

Contact Information

McIntyre 304