Ross Singleton

Professor Emeritus, Economics

Ross Singleton

Ross Singleton served as Chair of the Economics Department. He came to the university in 1981 from Kenyon College where he taught for four years. He earned his doctoral degree in Economics from the University of Oregon. He received his undergraduate degree in International Affairs from the University of Wyoming in 1969.

One of Professor Singleton’s particular areas of teaching and research interest dealt with comparative antitrust law. He has published work on the design of an optimal antitrust regime for developing countries and is working on understanding the differences between antitrust enforcement outcomes in the US and the EU.

Professor Singleton also works in the area of regulatory economics. Previous students have written theses under his direction on topics including the regulation of financial markets. He served for five years on the Tacoma Public Utility Board, the last year as Chair when the utility opted to build a fiber optic telecommunications system for the city.

Professor Singleton has also contributed material to an international political economy textbook including a chapter on intellectual property issues and regularly writes book reviews for Choice magazine.

Professor Singleton taught Competitive Strategy: The Social Control of Market Power, Managerial Economics, a Regulation seminar as well as microeconomic theory and the principles of economics (for the BLP program). 

  • "The Transatlantic Competition Policy Schism and the Political Goals of Antitrust," submitted for publication, June 2009.
  • "Knowledge and Technology: The Basis of Wealth and Power" (Chapter 10) and "The Market Model, Market-Based Resource Allocation, Economic Efficiency, Efficiency versus Equity" (Appendix to Chapter 3) in Introduction to International Political Economy, fourth edition, by Balaam and Veseth, 2008.
  • "Three Pedagogical Vignettes: Diagrammatic Representations of the Schumpeterian Dilemma, the Public Good Problem and the Asymmetric Information (Snake Oil) Problem," Proceedings of the Economics and the Classroom Conference, Jackson Lake Lodge, September, 2003.
  • "Creating Capacity and Competition in Broadband Telecommunications: The City of Tacoma's Initiative," Proceedings of the Western Decision Sciences Institute, April, 2000.
  • "Competition Policy for Developing Countries: An Entry Based Approach," Contemporary Economic Policy, April, 1997.
BA Univ Wyoming
PhD University of Oregon

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