The University of Puget Sound received a rating of 4/5 on the Campus Pride Index since 2019 for its institutional commitment and resources provided for sexual orientation and gender identity.
For many students, college provides a unique time and opportunity for exploring various facets of their personal identities, which includes sexual identity, gender expression, and more. The Office for Intercultural Engagement is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all members of the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, trans, non-binary, queer and beyond) community. This page offers resources for support, advocacy, campus involvement, and information for the queer community and their allies.
Campus Services

Student Diversity Center and Social Justice Center conducts student-directed activities for marginalized and/or underrepresented groups and social justice issues on campus. The SDC and SJC serve as a gathering space for student-run clubs pertaining to identity, diversity, and equity-centered causes.
Counseling, Health, & Wellness Services (Located on the 2nd Floor of Wheelock Student Center, Suite 216) provides physical examinations, testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs), and a number of peer support groups, including "Between the Lines," a confidential peer support group for LGBTQ+ students.
Career & Employment Services (Located in Howarth 101) assists LGBTQ+ job seekers with the information and support they need to achieve a successful and fulfilling work life, on- or off-campus.
Chaplaincy is a resource to offer support, care, and connection to all students, inclusive of those of all spiritual or religious backgrounds and those who find meaning in other approaches to the world. In addition to events or programs, University Chaplain Dave Wright is available to meet directly with students during various coffee and office hours each week, and a range of student clubs engage the connections between relief and practice, often engaging questions of intersecting with race, gender, sexuality, and more. The Chaplaincy is explicitly committed to being an affirming, inclusive space and support for LGBTQ+ students, and advocates for full equity and inclusion for those from all minoritized and historically underrepresented backgrounds.
Student Spaces, Organizations, & Publications
Queer Alliance is a student run organization that focuses efforts on spreading awareness and knowledge to those in the LGBTQ+ community. They strive to advocate for LGBTQ+ communities and others who struggle to be seen.
WETLANDS MAGAZINE (Puget Sound’s submission-based Gender Studies Literary & Arts Publication dealing with issues of gender, identity, sexuality, politics, and intersectionality)
See a list of student organizations that are affiliated with or connected to Intercultural Engagement and the SDC!
Campus Involvement, Efforts, & Events
BRAVE (Bystander Revolution Against Violence) is a coordinator position through the Division of Student Affairs that sponsors Take Back the Night in both Fall and Spring semesters each year.
LAVENDER GRADUATES celebrates and recognizes the unique successes and challenges met by LGBTQ+ students during their time at Puget Sound.
LGBT LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP recognizes and awards educational funding to students who have demonstrated leadership and involvement in LGBTQ+ communities on campus.
TRANSGENDER ADVOCACY AND INCLUSION COMMITTEE is comprised of students, staff, and faculty who take an active role and share in the responsibility of examining what Puget Sound is doing as a campus community to address transgender inclusion in all aspects of campus life.
All-Gender Restrooms
Gender inclusive bathrooms are marked with signs that say “All-Gender Restroom”. See a complete list of their locations. “All-Gender Restroom” was the term selected by the Accessibility Work Group after receiving input and feedback from students, staff, and faculty, to be inclusive of all gender identities, including those individuals who identify as having no gender.
Housing & Roommates
Residence Life at the University of Puget Sound affirms the gender identity of all residents. Residence Life will always recognize and respect the gender identity of students. Every attempt is made to match students to housing that fits their unique and individual needs as they relate to their personal gender identity and expression. Students who identify as transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming, or genderqueer are invited to tell Residence Life in their own words their gender identity. Using the housing application for new students, students should indicate in the final question they have more information for Residence Life they would like considered in their housing placement. The Assistant Director for Residence Life Operations will contact each individual regarding their specific needs or concerns. Any questions about the housing application may be directed to Students who inform Residence Life of their gender identity in a timely manner will be housed in keeping with their gender identity/expression, considering the needs of the student.
In the fall of 2016, Residence Life established a housing option for continuing students known as the Trans & Non-Binary House. This house is under the advisement and mentorship of a staff member trained and well versed in current best practice in supporting trans and non-binary students. In addition, one or more other less public housing options are available for students who prefer to live in community with other trans and non-binary students, and do not wish to live in the house. Each of these communities is composed of single rooms with shared bathroom facilities. Special care is taken in the hiring process for the student staff Resident Community Coordinator (RCC) responsible for this community.