
Identity-Based Welcome: LGBTQIA+ Welcome

Add to Calendar 2024-09-12 17:00:00 2024-09-12 18:00:00 Identity-Based Welcome: LGBTQIA+ Welcome The annual LGBTQIA+ Welcome is an opportunity for incoming students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or non-binary, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, agender, or as generally within the queer umbrella to meet and be welcomed by returning students, faculty, and staff who share these identities. Light refreshments will be served. We acknowledge the diversity of experiences and identities within this large umbrella while also recognizing the power of building relationships within and across identities. Thus this gathering seeks to be one of the early touchstones available for students to begin connecting with each other and with faculty and staff of shared identities. Location Contact Information Skylar Bihl America/Los_Angeles public
Sep 12, 2024
5 p.m. - 6 p.m.

The annual LGBTQIA+ Welcome is an opportunity for incoming students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or non-binary, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, agender, or as generally within the queer umbrella to meet and be welcomed by returning students, faculty, and staff who share these identities. Light refreshments will be served. We acknowledge the diversity of experiences and identities within this large umbrella while also recognizing the power of building relationships within and across identities. Thus this gathering seeks to be one of the early touchstones available for students to begin connecting with each other and with faculty and staff of shared identities.

Event Location

Upper Marshall Hall

Contact Information
Skylar Bihl