
Racism and Dehumanization: Philosophy talk by David Livingstone-Smith

Add to Calendar 2023-09-22 16:00:00 2023-09-22 17:30:00 Racism and Dehumanization: Philosophy talk by David Livingstone-Smith Dehumanization, the attitude of conceiving of others as less than human, is intimately tied to race. Groups of people who are dehumanized are often first racialized. They are treated as members of an alien and inferior race. To understand why this is, we need to understand both how race works and how dehumanization works. In this talk, I will use examples of anti-Black and anti-Semitic violence to illustrate and explain the interface between racism and dehumanization. Refreshments will be served. Location Contact Information Sara Protasi sprotasi@pugetsound.edu support@kwallcompany.com America/Los_Angeles public
Sep 22, 2023
4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Dehumanization, the attitude of conceiving of others as less than human, is intimately tied to race. Groups of people who are dehumanized are often first racialized. They are treated as members of an alien and inferior race. To understand why this is, we need to understand both how race works and how dehumanization works. In this talk, I will use examples of anti-Black and anti-Semitic violence to illustrate and explain the interface between racism and dehumanization.

Refreshments will be served.

Racism and Dehumanization poster
Event Location

Wyatt 101

Contact Information
Sara Protasi