The Excellence in Action awards honor those staff members who routinely go above and beyond the call of duty—staff members who actively seek to make a positive impact on students, staff, faculty, and the community around us.

Send your us your nominations for the annual Excellence in Action award below.  Difficulty viewing form?  Click here:

Awards will be presented on May 27, 2022.

Only staff -- not faculty or students -- are eligible for this award.

Please do not write the individual’s name in your narrative. This will help to provide for a fair voting process. The more robust your nomination is, the more information the committee will have to make their selections.

Frequently asked questions

Recipients of the Excellence in Action award are selected from the pool of nominees by the Staff Senate Human Resources Policies and Procedures Committee. 

The committee only uses information provided on the form to assess the nominees. There are many ways to evaluate the strength of a nomination; the committee does not rely on the volume of nominations nor personal knowledge about the nominee.

If a nominee receives multiple nominations, this may be taken into consideration in the final steps of the process. However, the committee is careful not to let volume of nominations for one candidate create a “halo effect” on the nominee in their initial consideration. 

If a committee member knows the candidate, they will be asked to remove any personal bias and focus only on the submitted material when making evaluations.

Only Puget Sound staff members are eligible. While our faculty and students do outstanding work, this award is solely awarded to members of the staff. Additionally, only individuals are eligible for the award, not departments.

Certainly! If you would like the committee to consider you for the award, you can fill the form out for anyone – including yourself!

Certainly! However, keep in mind that it is not the quantity of nominations that sway the committee’s decision. The quality of a written nomination far outweighs the quantity