The University of Puget Sound’s Faculty Development Center (FDC) offers diverse forms of support that enables our faculty to continue providing educational leadership in a changing world. In order to achieve this mission, the center’s programming, initiatives, and opportunities are built around four pillars which represent the interrelated domains of faculty work throughout healthy and productive careers. Aligning with the ethos of Puget Sound’s mission and values, these four pillars act as guideposts for individual and collective holistic growth in Teaching, Research, Service, and Well-Being.

  1. Teaching encompasses scholarly work in the science of student learning, collaborative exploration of innovations in teaching practice, and holistic advising and student mentoring
  2. Research involves providing resources and opportunities to allow faculty to pursue scholarship, research, and creative work in their areas of expertise, thus enabling our faculty to deepen contributions to their discipline and provide educational opportunities to our students that reflect the breadth and depth of evolving fields of practice
  3. Service prepares faculty for active engagement in committee work, leadership roles, and faculty governance, as well as service activities within the many communities to which faculty belong
  4. Well-Being recognizes the importance of a healthy alignment in work-life balance by curating programming aimed at maintaining physical and emotional wellness and navigating interpersonal relations

Programming and faculty development opportunities come in many forms and often highlight collaboration among campus colleagues and across academic programs to meet the evolving needs of faculty. In addition to facilitating new faculty orientation and the University’s formal mentoring program for first-year colleagues, the FDC offers a range of programming, including the biweekly Wednesdays at 4pm pedagogy series. The FDC also sponsors faculty-led initiatives such as writing groups and scholarly reading circles. Additional informal programming driven by faculty is an option for those who would like to engage in independently led faculty development endeavors that are available to all faculty colleagues. Finally, we welcome groups and individuals who would like to use the FDC as a place for their own intellectual, pedagogical, and social connection activities. These “drop in” opportunities are available when the FDC is not reserved. Access the FDC’s events calendar.

The FDC space is reserved for the following purposes, in order of priority:

  1. FDC core programming (e.g., new faculty orientation, FDC director office hours, Wednesday at 4pm, Cultivating Meaningful Service, Book Publishing 101). These sessions are either led or co-facilitated by an FDC representative and are advertised on Facultycoms.
  2. FDC sponsored faculty-led opportunities (e.g., writing groups, reading circles). These initiatives are advertised on Facultycoms.
  3. Non-FDC sponsored faculty-led opportunities that are organized and advertised independently. Such opportunities are open to all colleagues and invite faculty to engage in development work related to the FDC’s Four Pillars. This excludes work directly related to departmental business, faculty governance, and ad hoc committees. Reservations are required, and the faculty host is responsible for all set-up and clean-up.

Individuals and small groups who would like to use the space during open hours to drop in for reading, writing, grading, relaxing, or quiet socializing. This excludes work related to departmental business, faculty governance, and ad hoc committees. No reservations required, but do check the FDC calendar before stopping by.