The Faculty Bylaws establish that "The Faculty shall be called into session at least once each semester by the Chairperson, or in the Chairperson's absence, the Vice-Chairperson. If the need should arise, the Faculty may be called into session by the Senate or its officers, or by written petition of not less than twenty (20) Faculty members." (Art. III, Sect. 2)

Faculty Meetings Schedule

Faculty meetings are from 12:00-1:30pm in the Tahoma Room, Thomas Hall.


Meeting Date Agenda (when available) Minutes (when available)
October 02, 2024    
November 06, 2024    
December 04, 2024    

To submit an agenda item for a faculty meeting, please contact Lisa Ferrari (faculty secretary) at or Justin Tiehen (Faculty Senate Chair) at or Drew Kerkhoff (Provost) at