I. Policy Statement
In conducting fundraising efforts and events, the University of Puget Sound adheres strictly to the Donor Bill of Rights, recognizing the importance of stewarding all gifts with integrity and in conjunction with donor intent. As part of its stewardship responsibilities, the university has charged the Office of University Relations (UR) with overseeing all fundraising efforts and fundraising events conducted on behalf of the university with any of the university’s constituents, external or internal. This policy stipulates how fundraising initiatives may take place on campus, outlines the process for seeking approval of these initiatives, and explains accountability for compliance.
II. Coverage
This policy applies to all students, faculty and staff of the university (“University Community Members”). University community members are expected to work with the Office of University Relations to ensure that all fundraising on campus falls within the parameters established by this policy, including the following scenarios. For accountability related to violations, please see section V below.
- Outside organizations soliciting gifts from the university’s students, faculty, and staff for the benefit of the outside organization.
- Outside organizations soliciting gifts from the university’s students, faculty and staff for the benefit of Puget Sound organizations.
- Puget Sound organizations soliciting gifts from the university’s alumni, parents, friends, foundation contacts, and corporate contacts for the benefit of the Puget Sound organization.
- Puget Sound organizations soliciting gifts from the university’s alumni, parents, friends, foundation contacts, and corporate contacts for the benefit of outside organizations.
III. Definitions
- ASUPS Oversight: fundraising approval for all student-driven efforts requires approval from the Dean of Students office as well as ASUPS. For more information on student fundraising approval, please see the above stated policy or contact the Dean of Students at 253.879.3360 or dos@pugetsound.edu.
- Auctions: Auctions allow external and internal community members to bit on procured (donated or purchased) items at or above cost. Auctions, while effective in fundraising, can require a significant level of resource and tracking. Please contact the AVP for Constituent Relations for more information.
- Certificate of Approval: External organizations intended to receive funds raised on- or off-campus by campus community members must provide a certificate or similar documentation proving their ability to receive such funds.
- Donor Bill of Rights: The Office of University Relations adheres strictly to the Donor Bill of Rights. The Donor Bill of rights can be found at https://afpglobal.org/donor-bill-rights. The university recognizes the importance of stewarding all gifts with integrity and in conjunction with donor intent.
- Exchange of Goods and Services: Donations (monetary or other gifts shared without expectation of payment or return of resources) are not made in exchange for goods and services. This includes sponsorships, bake sales, etc.
- External Constituents: People or organizations who are not University Community Members, such as alumni, parents (both current and past), and business partners.
- External Organization: any organization not considered an Internal Organization.
- Fundraising Effort or Event: Any instance where funds will be actively or passively solicited from community members, attendees or patrons. This includes Auctions and Raffles, as defined herein.
- Internal Constituents: University Community Members, as well as any campus visitors or other community members present during a campus Fundraising Effort or Event.
- Internal Organization: any organization, department, or program considered part of the University of Puget Sound.
- Raffles: A raffle is a means of raising money by selling numbered tickets, one or some of which are subsequently drawn at random, with the holder or holders of such tickets winning a prize. Raffles are limited by Washington State oversight and require additional written approval by the Senior Tax and Accounting Analyst. The Senior Tax and Accounting Analyst can be reached at 253.879.6110.
- University Community Member(s): For purposes of this policy, these are University of Puget Sound students, faculty, and staff members.
IV. Principles and Procedures Governing University Fundraising Activities
The following principles and procedures govern all fundraising activities of University Community Members.
- External Organizations Soliciting Gifts from University Community Members for the benefit of the External Organization
- The university generally does not allow External Organizations to solicit University Community Members; however, External Organizations may seek approval to fundraise from campus constituents, which may be approved in exceptional circumstances as provided in Section IV.F.
- External Organizations are not permitted to fundraise on campus grounds without prior written approval from the Vice President (VP) in the Office of University Relations (UR).
- To contact the VP UR, please call AVP for Constituent Relations Abbie Lacsina at 253.879.3502 or alacsina@pugetsound.edu.
- Fundraising and the University’s External Constituents
- Solicitation of any of the university’s External Constituents (as defined in Section III) requires prior consultation with AVP for Constituent Relations Abbie Lacsina at 253.879.3502 or alacsina@pugetsound.edu.
- For more information about conducting Fundraising Efforts or Events with External Constituents, please contact the AVP for Constituent Relations Abbie Lacsina at 253.879.3502 or alacsina@pugetsound.edu.
- Fundraising Conducted on Campus by University Community Members
- University Community Members may seek to fundraise among Internal Constituents on behalf of Internal and External Organizations. Student oversight of the planning and execution of a Fundraising Effort or Event is subject to ASUPS Oversight and must comply with the approval requirements in Section IV.C.3.
- In the instance of faculty and staff seeking to fundraise on campus for an External Organization (e.g., Habitat for Humanity, disaster relief organizations, etc.)
- Faculty and staff seeking to fundraise specifically within the faculty and staff community, excluding or including students, should contact the AVP for Constituent Relations for more information.
- In instances where an External Organization will benefit from a fundraising effort on campus, a certificate of approval from the recipient organization must be provided to the AVP for Constituent Relations prior to the fundraising effort or event.
- The AVP for Constituent Relations can be reached at 253.879.3502 or alacsina@pugetsound.edu.
- In the instance of students seeking to fundraise on campus for an External Organization:
- Students often seek to fundraising for organizations outside the university’s purview, such as Greek organizations seeking to fundraise for nationally-identified charities, or student organizations seeking donations for local food banks, disaster relief organizations, etc.
- On-campus fundraising by students and student organizations is subject to ASUPS Oversight. Please contact Dean of Students at 253.879.3360 or dos@pugetsound.edu to complete the ASUPS fundraising approval form.
- The ASUPS fundraising approval form will guide students through the process of seeking approval for any Fundraising Effort and Event.
- In instances where an External Organization will benefit from a Fundraising Effort or Event on campus, a certificate of approval from the recipient organization must be provided to the AVP for Constituent Relations prior to the fundraising effort or event.
- In the instance of faculty or staff seeking to fundraise on campus for an Internal Organization (e.g., fundraising for additional departmental resources, to fund a visiting speaker or event, or for student travel to a co-curricular engagement):
- Faculty and staff seeking to fundraise specifically within the faculty and staff community, excluding students, should contact the AVP for Constituent Relations for more information.
- The AVP for Constituent Relations can be reached at 253.879.3502 or alacsina@pugetsound.edu.
- Grant Requests: Faculty and staff may seek to utilize grant-writing services to raise funds for a university program or initiative.
- For more information on a grant request or interest in grant-writing, please contact the Interim Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations at 253.879.2925 or epopenuck@pugetsound.edu.
- Faculty and staff seeking more information on the grants process, or seeking to submit a grant-writing request, should visit www.pugetsound.edu/cfr.
- In the instance of students seeking to fundraise on campus for an Internal Organization, including university events, programs, and clubs:
- On-campus fundraising by students is subject to ASUPS Oversight. Students must contact Dean of Students at 253.879.3360 or dos@pugetsound.edu to complete the ASUPS fundraising approval form.
- The ASUPS fundraising approval form will guide students through the process of seeking approval for any Fundraising Effort and Event.
- Grant Requests: UR typically does not assist with grant writing on behalf of student Fundraising Efforts and Events; however, students may contact the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations for an informational interview regarding the grant-writing process. For more information, please contact the Interim Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations at 253.879.2925 or epopenuck@pugetsound.edu.
- Restrictions on Holding Fundraising Efforts and Events
- Fundraising efforts and events are not to be held in conjunction with other large university events, including Homecoming and Family Weekend and Summer Reunion Weekend.
- Fundraising efforts and events are not to be held in conjunction with sports events unless granted written approval by the Director of Athletics and the AVP for Constituent Relations.
- University Code of Conduct
All Fundraising Efforts and Events must comply with the university’s Code of Conduct. Additionally, all Internal and External Organizations, whether donating or solicited for donations, must also comply with university’s Code of Conduct. The university’s Code of Conduct can be found at pugetsound.edu/code-of-conduct or by contacting universitycounsel@pugetsound.edu or 253.879.2735 for questions and clarifications
V. Exemptions
UR recognizes that there may be occasions that warrant approving an exemption from the requirements established in this policy.
To seek review of a proposed exemption, please contact the AVP for Constituent Relations at 253.879.3502 or alacsina@pugetsound.edu.
VI. Accountability for Violations
Fundraising Efforts and Events that do not comply with the policy may damage the university’s reputation with its Internal and/or External Constituents or External Organizations and may cause the university to be in non-compliance with state and federal requirements for non-profit organizations.
Decisions made by UR related to Fundraising Efforts and Events are final. Any University Community Member who intentionally violates this policy may be administratively prohibited from planning or participating in any future Fundraising Efforts and Events, and may be subject to disciplinary sanctions. Sanctions will be imposed in accordance with the procedures of the Faculty Code, Staff Corrective Action Policy, or the Student Integrity Code as appropriate.
VII. Related Statutes, Regulations, and Policies
- Washington State RCW re: Raffles can be found at: apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9.46.0321
- University Code of Conduct can be found at pugetsound.edu/general-counsel-and-risk-management/policies/campuswide-policies/code-conduct
- Student Integrity Code can be found at: pugetsound.edu/division-student-affairs/student-handbook/student-integrity-code
- Faculty Code: pugetsound.edu/faculty-code
- Staff Corrective Action Policy: pugetsound.edu/corrective-action
- Privacy and Appropriate Use of Resources Policy: pugetsound.edu/general-counsel-and-risk-management/policies/campuswide-policies/privacy-appropriate-use-resources
Policy Owner: University Relations
Date Adopted: July 9, 2020
Updated: February 6, 2024