2024-2025 Health Professions Advising Events
Drop-In Advising is available for Puget Sound students & alumni every Wednesday during the academic year from 12-1:30pm in the Health Professions Advising Office (Thompson Hall 203), no appointment required.
To schedule an individual appointment (virtual or in-person), visit the HPA Contacts page and select the appointment request calendar for the advisor of your choice (Greg or Nova).
- 8/26 @ 10-11am (Jones Circle & Wheelock Student Union Building): New Student Academic Fair
- 9/6 @ 5pm (Jones Circle): Log Jam 2024 (Pre-Health Club & AMWA in attendance)
- 9/11 @ 12pm (Thompson 175): MANDATORY Fall Orientation Meeting for Pre-Health Students New to Campus
- 9/16 @ 5pm (Murray Boardroom): First Pre-Health Club Meeting of the year
- 9/18 @ 12pm (Thompson 203: HPA Office): COPE Health Scholars Information Session with Tacoma Hospital Site Program Manager
- 9/23 @ 6pm (Trimble Forum): First AMWA Meeting of the year
- 10/2 @ 3pm (Murray Boardroom): University of Puget Sound Master's in Public Health "Pathway to Public Health (P2PH)" Information Session.
- 10/7 @ 11:30am-1:30pm (Rasmussen Rotunda): Graduate School Fair (representatives from various professional health programs in attendance)
- 10/7 @ 6-7:30pm PT (via Zoom): MANDATORY Applicant Meeting Part 1 (for applicants intending to begin a professional health program in fall 2026) (email HealthProfessions@pugetsound.edu to obtain the Zoom link)
- 10/30 @ 12pm (Thompson 175): MANDATORY Pre-Registration Meeting for 1st and 2nd Year Pre-Health Students
- 10/30 @ 4-5:30pm (Rausch Auditorium): Showing of the documentary, Invisible Corps, with Q & A to follow (sponsored by the University of Puget Sound MPH Program)
- 10/30 @ 6-7pm (via Zoom): WesternU COMP/COMP-NW (DO, DPT & DVM programs) admission representative presentation (email HealthProfessions@pugetsound.edu to obtain the Zoom link)
- 11/6 @ 12pm (Thompson 395): Suture Clinic (Attendance is limited! To register, email HealthProfessions@pugetsound.edu)
- 11/7 @ 12pm (Thompson 298): Washington State University Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine admission representative campus visit
- Spring 2025 Registration Advising Drop-In Hours: 11/8 @ 10am-2pm, 11/11 @ 10am-12pm, 11/12 @ 10am-12pm, 11/13 @ 12-2pm, 11/14 @ 12-2pm (All drop-in advising hours will occur in the Health Professions Advising Office, Thompson 203)
- 11/13 @ 6pm (McIntyre Auditorium): Showing of the documentary, Everybody's Work (sponsored by CHWS)
- 1/27 @ 6-7:30pm PST (via Zoom): MANDATORY Applicant Meeting Part 2 (for applicants intending to begin a professional health program in fall 2026)
- TBD (via Zoom): Personal Statement Workshop Part 1, hosted by CWL: MANDATORY for Fall 2026 Applicants (email HealthProfessions@pugetsound.edu to obtain the Zoom link)
- TBD (via Zoom): Interview Prep Workshop, hosted by CES (email HealthProfessions@pugetsound.edu to obtain the Zoom link)
- 2/7 @ 12pm: Health Professions Advising Committee (HPAC) Meeting
- 2/12 @ 12pm (Thompson 298): PLU Entry-Level Master of Science in Nursing (EL-MSN) admission representative campus visit
- 2/17: Mock Interviews begin with Fall 2026 Applicants
- TBD (via Zoom): Personal Statement Workshop Part 2, hosted by CWL: MANDATORY for Fall 2026 Applicants (email HealthProfessions@pugetsound.edu to obtain the Zoom link)
- Mock Interviews continue with Fall 2026 Applicants
- 3/11 @ 6pm (via Zoom): Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine admission representative information session (email HealthProfessions@pugetsound.edu to receive the Zoom link)
- TBD (via Zoom): Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) Information Session (email HealthProfessions@pugetsound.edu to receive the Zoom link)
- 3/26 @ 12pm (Thompson 193): MANDATORY Spring Pre-Registration Meeting for 1st and 2nd year students
- TBD: COPE Health Scholars Information Session with Tacoma Hospital Site Program Manager
- Mock Interviews continue with Fall 2026 Applicants
- Fall 2025 Registration Advising Drop-In Hours: 4/4 @ 10am-2pm, 4/7 @ 10am-12pm, 4/8 @ 10am-12pm, 4/9 @ 12-2pm, 4/10 @ 12-2pm
- TBD: "Stop the Bleed" Workshop (Attendance is limited! To register, email HealthProfessions@pugetsound.edu)